


The tour of this makerspace just outside Denver and Boulder, Colorado took place in September 2019, long before COVID-19 flipped spaces like these on their heads. However, as of today, TinkerMill is open for business, albeit with several precautions in place. Take a peek inside this massive, and well-equipped space in the video below with…

As Avengers: Infinity War makes its way towards the box office-shattering $2 billion global earnings milestone, it comes as little surprise that the superhero movie has inspired a small legion of creators to don their maker capes and create their renditions of the iron-clad superhero troop. Among others is the SolidSmack favorite wacky garage inventor…

ACHIRES Running Robot

Well, it’s finally happened. After years of fumbling on quadrupedal legs and jumping like patients with back problems, robots have finally learned to run on rough terrain. ACHIRES (short for “Actively Coordinated High-speed Image-processing Running Experiment System”) is an Ishikawa Senoo Laboratory running robot system which uses a high-speed camera to detect the legs’ position…

Holy mother of inventions! The Milling Machines designed by Arthur Sacek are so exciting they send tinngles through our nether regions. Too bad Arthur doesn’t particularly want to share how he exactly built his machines, but we do know that as a member of Brazil’s ZOOM Education for Life, Arthur is a genius.

How spoilt is your fish? Like, do you take it for a walk, buy it a fancy tracking collar with camera or feed it in a diamond-encrusted bowl? Blah, no excuses, the least you could have done was get it a new set of wheels and made it independent. Yup, if you would have invested…

We are totally freaked out with the OutRunner – The World’s First RC Running Robot, kinda reminds us of the Roadrunner from the Looney Tunes cartoons! The only thing missing is the “beep-beep”! Anyways, sound effects aside, this Kickstarter project is kicking some ass, thanks to the lovely videos showcasing OutRunners’ running talents. We got…