
link pack


A temporal blast ripped through the leaves of the fork tine trees. The walls that had been constructed from shards of its metal bark were holding but we’d have to time the next blast just right if we were to make our escape down the vines of these links. Santa Norvaisaite – Oriental treasures depicted…

A purple burp of a slime biter hid amongst the thicket. The scale-charred sword of the guhl shard drug across the dirt inches away. Though hidden, the blades could cut, giving seconds to escape perhaps, but more assured it would be, they could shoot from the trees, after coating their blades with these links. Marnix…

Blocks fell charred and knurled from the flame lined jaw of the timber chewer. Each halted bump of its immense body shook the trees blanketing the wall of our escape. With our elm and metal armor and twisted pinon bone spindles we would have to move quickly and be sure to coat each piece in…


A tailwind caught the sails. We could do it – cut the reefs and jump the sandbars. We would have to hit the engine cycles perfectly though and make sure the cords held the turnip load. Fear would have overtaken us, but we had plenty of cord, cord made from the sinew of these links.…


Tired and torn the Chinzwhithal cut a furrow at the canyon pass up to the chiseled peaks of Monteretch, collapsing at dusk having cut just deep enough to unblock the spring where the vein would now fill with the nectar of these links. Maciej Drabik – New space scenes and cities (plus a city kitbash set) with…


From the top of the trees it took more time but going by ground or sky was impossible. The limbs provided us brief cover when melon seeds would come exploding through the leaves. The only thing we knew for sure is that these incredibly massive weather anomalies could only be generated by these links. JaeCheol…


Glances from beneath their transparent sheath missed us as we hid, the hair of their eye jibbles quivering in time with the rattles of their undulating movements, moistening the corridor with the critical ingredient needed to find, extract, and combine these links. Mack Sztaba – A concept artist with a wide range of talent, particularly in the…


Eight times we ran the code. Line upon line scrolled past, reflected in the hollow glass orbs festooned across its metal skull. The inch-long tusks would jitter occasionally as the eyes shuddered and lit, as if it were anxious to finally catch a glimpse of these links. Reza Afshar – Wonderful pieces of nearly abstract…


A small edge was all but was left. We had plenty of rivets though, rivets and enough mech shards to till the thousand acre leek fields. Building back the launchpad would take time, of course, but the body’s internals we’re all intact. New armor and a blast shield would work better this time. This time,…


A trip across the roots slowed us down but, gaining speed as we had, we were nary less than 100 meters upon the blast pad. There was something about the sparks as we reached it, seen for a blink as our grapplers sank through the metal. Once we were onboard, stopping the planet melt would…


It wasn’t until the storm began that we saw just how many joints the spider titan had. Socket upon socket, torn rubber stretching it’s wiry tendons between. Fifty bends and deftly drawing its way up the chasm wall, and strapped to its back, a hundred of its babies suckling on these links. Yaroslav Kotsubinskiy -…

friday smackdown

Rolling side to side, on toward the rough hewn slide, and we, barely touching foot to ground, jumping across their heads, fled, and as we did the large one turned, with the others flanking round, to jump and eat, and trigger the uplink from their ship to these fine links. sslololss – He’s an illustrator…

When the bowls dropped, we jumped out of the barrels. In the rambunction we didn’t notice the machines had moved in. Hundreds of them, thin and towering, light and quiet, only noticed when their combined silhouettes blotted out the sun revealing these links. Juan Pablo Roldan – Massive scenes, ships, mechs and more. Beautiful lighting…

swang art

The leaves we raked through the mist had left the eaters confused at first. We pushed the piles close as we could without them seeing, but you could tell they were trying to smell what was helping them feed. Why assist such creatures? Though blind, their quills were the only things that could protect us from…