A temporal blast ripped through the leaves of the fork tine trees. The walls that had been constructed from shards of its metal bark were holding but we’d have to time the next blast just right if we were to make our escape down the vines of these links.
Santa Norvaisaite – Oriental treasures depicted with excellent detailing, along with many a vast scene and seascape with depth and loads of mystery.
It’s All in the Package – The 2019 Japan Package Design Awards winners have been selected. These are the best package designs coming out of the islands.
Morning Light – The peaceful landscape photography of Lena Sanver. Lakes, streams, foggy ponds, and the sun hitting the horizon.
Richard Haas – His massive building murals have made him a master illusionist creating exteriors you would be convinced are real.
Rover – He was going to make a small car for his son, but ended up with a full-on moon rover. This is how he made it.
DB5 – There have been 25 Aston Martin DB5’s made for James Bond. These gadgets will be used on the latest continuation car.
Golf Ball Hit – How Hard Can You Hit a Golf Ball? See what it takes to reach the plastic deformation point of a golf ball.
F-35 Kite – Let’s go fly a kite… a 6 foot Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II kite.
Bullet Holes – Bush has a new song. A song featured in John Wick #3. Directed by Jesse Davey.