


So, what were the best and brightest post of 2008 on I was sifting through all of them and thought the quickly-trained monkeys that wrote some of them did a pretty good job. I kid. It was actually just one monkey, with a day job and an extra finger… I kid again. Here’s some…

It’s time to get all activism on ya. Imagine just getting a seat of your favorite 3D CAD software with plans to create some sweet kids products. Imagine being a small toy manufacturer, a hobby woodworker that sells wooden kid’s toys online, or somebody that makes cool robot dolls. In Feburary of 2009, you will…

Hey everyone. I’d just like to say thanks for reading, commenting, loving, hating, cheering, puking and pondering each post here on SolidSmack. I wish I could buy a turkey for everyone (and throw a cranberry at some) that make me wanting to keep doing this, at times with the incessant rage of a rabid beet…

(will somebody please give me a decent drumroll. I mean seriously, let’s do this proper-like. ) The SolidWorks World 2009 mystery guest… that is no longer a mystery… but very much a guest… that you will now find out about IS… The world record attempting… The billionaire extraordinaire…

Speaking of Objet 3D printers , there’s a new rapid-prototyping option available this fall from the company enabling you to upload a 3D designs for rapid-prototyping, Shapeways . It’s smooth, it’s black and just screaming your name. The black photopolymer material is used with their Objet Eden 500 machine and gives you a very fine,…

If you try to connect with Certified SolidWorks Professionals (CSWP’s) on the SolidWorks website you may have a little trouble finding exactly where those SolidWorks specialists are hiding. Don’t worry, the link is still there. From SolidWorks Certification, “We had to change it due to the request by many CSWP members to keep their information…

This little orange square is raising all sorts of mean looks and a hefty lawsuit from AutoDesk to Dassault Systemes SolidWorks along with a list of other alleged misdeed. Ralph Grabowski brings up the lawsuit (pdf) filed on September 19th that slaps it’s own lovemark, so to speak, across the cheek of Dassault Systemes SolidWorks…

Hot dang. Were you around last week? Did you get a SolidWorks 2009 taste in the back of your mouth that made your nose tickle and pupils dilate? Yeah? No? Kinda? Well, there were so many post about the SolidWorks Press event and goings on, that it may have happened if you consumed it all…

In a sudden rush of jet-setting and drink-getting out here at the SolidWorks 2000000000009 press conference, all of us have become aware that SolidWorks development has release the smokin’ hot new version of SolidWorks. Available for download at a customer portal near you. Are you going for it? Personally, I’d recommend it. Not because I…

Well surprise, surprise. You don’t have to wait till SolidWorks 2009 Pre-release 2 comes out to try PhotoView 360, the new rendering software announced by SolidWorks and Luxology is now available for anyone with SolidWorks 2009 to poke around in. You’ll want to see the First Look Ricky Jordan has along with Gabi Jack rendering…

It is here folks. Yes, very soon, a fate better than sandy shorts and blistered skin will wreak havoc upon Orlando, Florida. The 3D modeling mass of SolidWorks users will join their compatriots in the massive gathering of SolidWorks related products, information and technology lovingly known as SolidWorks World 2009. It’s time to prepare, bribe…

Have you ever seen pictures that move? I hear they call it ‘Video’ or something. I also hear that there are some snazzy ‘video’ demos of the new SolidWorks 2009 functionality at a place called ‘the YouTube’. Sounds kind of personal to me, but I checked it all out and I think you’ll like what…

One week from NOW, yes, one week from this day we know and love as ‘Monday’, will be another day called ‘Monday’… It also happens to be the same day the veil of SolidWorks 2009 will be lifted and the lone Beta testers will be free to reveal all the goodness that is to come.…

Funny thing, these 3D CAD user interfaces. I figured I’d spare you any 2008/09 SolidWorks interface opinions and show you what the other CAD companies are doing. It looks like some are getting a little inspiration from each other, but really it just the onslaught of Ribbon bar bliss brought about by Microsoft and their…

Ahhh, it’s the middle of the summer. Vacations are planned, mosquito are biting and there’s so much going on in the world of SolidWorks the coffee pot at SolidWorks HQ in Massachusetts is on 24/7. Yes, things are heating up and it’s a perfect chance for you to get all your incredibly helpful designs, thoughts,…

As if our soon to be robot overlords are not scary enough, now there’s a Robot University for them to systematically learn how to take over the minds of small children and impressionable young college students. I exaggerate a bit. This is actually a place where the academics and the automaton-interested can gather via an…

The SolidWorks 2009 Beta program that was rumored to launch Monday (yesterday) has just gone live at the customer portal. If you’re a subscriptions service customer, and signed up to be notified for beta launch, you can download it and enjoy the new version till your eyes shoot blood. So, get on board, man the…

Ok, all you crazy SolidWorks people that want to get your hands on the next version of software. Mark next Monday, June 9th, 2008 Noon EST. That programmer guy in the corner’s at SolidWorks Corp. has been unchained from his desk and the ink is drying on the launch e-mail. Make sure you’ve checked the…

Look out people, there’s a new breed of CAD in town and it might make you slightly more social. Last week Dassualt Systèmes formally launched their V6 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platform that includes CATIA, ENOVIA, DELMIA, SUMULIA and 3DVIA. If you don’t use CATIA, you probably don’t care too much. However, this release has…

Yes folks, the CAD industry is alive and well with the raging pulse of an over-achieving band of gypsy circus performers. You won’t see that description in the latest CAD Report from John Peddle Research though. What you will see, is a $5,000 price tag and words like renaissance, combined revenues, emerging economies and my…

Well everyone, look at that. We have completely plundered the riches of the web and have a big ol’ bag of incredibly useful tips and information. is officially one year old today. (See first post here.) You all are completely incredible and make this so much fun, I can’t even explain it. I seriously…

You’ll want to read Wiring Up an Event if you’re interested in the least, what is starting to come about in the the CAD world as it relates to the Web and the realm of social media. You’ve seen my post about Why I like Twitter and while Blogs and RSS are still a mystery…

“Yeah Josh? Ya know, what could be more boring that looking at trends?… especially ‘interweb’ trends?… la..ame. Move on!” I kinda agree, trend watching is a bit DULL, but they can be oh so revealing when it comes to technology. Here’s the golden egg, Internet Trends are technology adoption trends. That’s key, cause those people…

If you were standing on the corner of the CAD block yesterday, you had obscure CAD terminology splashed all over your new pants. Everyone and their step-uncle’s mom was waxing intellectual about the ‘newest-in-new, right-up-in-your-face- and-hit-you’ CAD tech announce by Siemens PLM called (prepare for large phrase that makes you mildly uninterested)… ready… “Synchronous Technology.”…