You may start to see some changes around the trusty ol’ SolidSmack site. For one, I’ve integrated the Disqus commenting system into the site. Sound fancy? It is, and it’s got some cool features that will make commenting 100% more fun than before.
I’m using the Disqus commenting system for a few reasons, but mostly because I think you’ll get the most value out of it and make the conversations even more meaningful, and who doesn’t want a meaningful conversation, huh?
Features include:
- threaded comments
- email & mobile posting
- track and subscribe to comments
- comment ratings
- comment flagging
- export your comments
- and video commenting
I’m using a the Disqus Wordpress plugin that was super easy to install. I had everything configured and was up and running in about 5 minutes. You’ll see the comments on old post with no comments as well as new posts (like this one).
You have the option of creating a user profile or commenting unverified. If you do create a Disqus profile you get to show off a photo in your comment and join in on the social network features and really, just enjoy it all a whole lot more. Here’s my Disqus profile.
So go ahead and test it out by leaving a comment below. Let me know what you think and if any features need to be added. Thanks!