You may have just shaken the dust of an old set of gloves, slipped into a memory of days gone by. Days spent hitting your brother after hogging all the Nintendo playing action with your new Power Glove. “IT’S MY TURN!” No, not until I beat this dragon… WITH MY FIST!! That’s right. You were…
With all the touchscreen craziness we’ve seen over the past few years, there are about 500 direction future screen technology could go. Personally, I won’t be satisfied until they’re formable, edible and can be wrapped around my face like a make-shift Halloween mask. Some people have other ideas, and the perfect organization to compile them…
Actually, who cares about product development at this point. You’ll be the DJ, up in the front of your office as people tear off their blazers and patent leather loafers. DJ Pablo Martin has launched a new MIDI multitouch controller called Emulator. The multitouch screen you’ll see is called Token and developed by Yöyen Munchausen…
Don’t you dare touch my 3D parts! Oh. you just want to virtually touch them with haptic feedback… nope, that’s still a little out of my comfort zone. Not so for the researchers at UC San Diego. While they’re not researching researchable research, they’re building cool tech to make it easier. In a recent adventure,…
The biggest problem with 3D, creating it, viewing it, and eating it, is the 2D screen. You ruin plenty of screens trying to reach through to crush the model with your hand. Soon, you may not have to do that. Instead you’ll just use a collapsible pen-like gadget to jab that geometry into submission. Jinha…
So, we haven’t even seen tech from Iron Man 1 developed yet, but who cares! We’ll take any blind stab at future tech Hollywood throws at us and say… HECK YEAH. Iron Man 2 starts today and it’s gotta have gadget galore at least as cool as the first one and UI’s way better than…
If you felt a rumble in the aether that ended up with a guy suddenly appearing in your face poking your eyeballs with a tablet computer, you’re probably not dreaming and you’re probably not holding back a good solid punch to his gut. Neither is Timothy Barnard of Fresh Design Base, a Manchester, UK web…
Look at the guy outside your window swatting a swarm of wasps away from his exposed skin areas. Now look at the guy in the cubicle next to you using Leonar3do 3D. Both look similar except one is screaming and swelling up while the other is smiling and creating 3D object… in 3D space. You…
Oh yes, it’s here party people. Apple released their iPad on Saturday, so I picked one up to toss around and see if it stacks up to all the hype. Personally, it tastes awful, but when you hit the little button on the front the screen lights up and makes you wonder if it will…
While I was growing up, I’d occasionally run towards a wall, jam my fingers up into my arms, pass out and wake up to dogs dragging me off into the woods. Fortunately, the dogs were my pets and my fingers healed into agile implements of multi-touch destruction. And thankfully so. At SolidWorks World 2010 I…
Stop. I’m telling you right now, you can quit using the excuse that you shave your body for swimming and bike riding adventures as a cover-up for your camouflage body painting hobby. Instead, you can now tell everyone that your body is being prepped as a touchpad of epic proportion. We’re stuffing every oversize pore…
If only we all had buckets and buckets and buckets of paint in our possession and a powerful paint canon for occasions such as this. We have 3D color palettes people. Lock, load and FIRE. ColoRotate is on the web app scene serving up a new way to use and abuse color. Their online 3D…
What if you could stick suction cups on your oculars and move models around on the screen with your eyeballs? Yeah, and, what if you could stick suction cups on your chest, hands, neck and elbows to do the same thing? Oh yeah. Well, what if… you didn’t need suction cups… BOO.YAH. We’ve talked about…
Quick, while nobody’s looking, slip those goggles on that make you look as if you’ve slipped through time to warn yourself about reading this post. “DON’T READ IT!” your future self says, but curiosity grasped your eyelids and pulls them clear over your freshly shaved hairline. You just can’t start a new decade without throwing…
If you woke up this morning wondering what the new decade is going to offer you after your merry stroll into work, SolidWorks has some ideas that include having hands, a very large interface, and a couple friend that are as giddy about new tech as you are. Put your future hats on and… just…
If this update of tech to be birthed from the womb of Microsoft Project Natal is meant to fool us into believing it’s real, we’re totally going to fall for it and cuddle it in our arms. It’s highly possible that this video shows a product developer looking a bit silly flicking his booger fingers…
I’m telling you, there’s no end to the carnage… or virtual carnage… or inane thoughts I get when I see pretty lights shooting out of a robot. But that just goes to show how naivety will bleed us dry in a fit of flashy brilliance. What is this I speak of? An experiment from Chris…
I know, you see it there… on the screen, but then you look on the table… and it’s not there, IT’S NOT THERE. Ya know why, huh? huh? Because it’s Augmented Reality (AR), and your neural pathways are about to be re-myelinated with 3D augmented goodness. ISMAR 2009 (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality)…
Yes, it’s all fun and games until… someone jabs an elfin creature in the eye, gets a gnarly infection and start projectile vomiting all over the place. Fortunately, it’s a virtual elfin creatures we’re talking about. The people behind it… 3DVia. Last week at the Dassault Customer Conference, I found out some top secret (totally-not-top-secret)…
Just look at those happy digits going at it with pure multi-touch tappin’ delight. Cool desktop UI’s are great fun to play with, but with Windows 7 launching October 22nd and many already using it, multi-touch and UI’s are about to converge. Bumptop is on it. Version 1.2, you can download right now, has all…
After seeing the snazzy video showing future multi-touch support for SpaceClaim, I went on the hunt to find out a little bit more. Fortunately, I had the email of Blake Courter, Co-founder of SpaceClaim. Great chap, hung out with him at SolidWorks World 2009, of all places. He answered some questions about MT capabilities, gives…
There’s hope for your carpal tunnel syndrome, worn out wrist supports and squeaky chair. In the future, they may be replaced by the joy of getting into your work… literally. Lauren Argo put pen to paper to churn out the idea of pen to air on 3D canvas. The idea uses “iGPS”(?) to capture a…
Squeezin’ into that browser just isn’t as easy as it use to be. You’ve got 3D search capabilities busting out all over. It’s even spilling onto your desktop to make your media searching and organizing a multi-dimensional trip to Zoom-ville. ‘3D searching’ – It’s here and it’s getting more intense. From web pages to images…
The news about Windows7, Microsoft next OS, has been pouring out of the seething cauldron of Microsoft PDC this week, getting all the fanboys and multi-touch crazies in a ruckus. Are you all just extremely AMPPED? No? Well, for those gnashing their teeth over Vista, the new OS promises to be the escape Microsoft wants…