If this update of tech to be birthed from the womb of Microsoft Project Natal is meant to fool us into believing it’s real, we’re totally going to fall for it and cuddle it in our arms.

It’s highly possible that this video shows a product developer looking a bit silly flicking his booger fingers at a screen, but also shows how the idea of tech like this has affected the future you and your future 3D CAD hands. Take a look.

Slap it on a lil’ Product Development

I know you, like me, want to move pretty objects around with your fingers and toes uninhibited by wires and the occasional need to urinate or close your eyes. I for one would like to get this whole touchscreen phase out of the way and move straight into manipulating solids within an adaptive command environment.*

It’s easy to say how this could never be used for designing highly intricate surfaces, but where it’s actually going to affect product development is not in how it’s being displayed above, but in how program developers will interpret it into the lifecycle of a design, and even more so, how the young-in’s will expect to interact within a console’s UI.

What’s an Adaptive Command Environment?

I’ve mentioned this in previous posts and wrote about it in a Develop3D article. I’ll do a post on it later, but basically, this would be a completely responsive space that adapts commands and geometry to multiple types of stylus, touch, projection, and thought input. If I was developing it, I’d codename it ‘Holmes’ and name the core ‘the Galvani Engine.’

On top of that it fuses together all aspects of design, engineering and manufacturing. Fun stuff, and if I wasn’t blogging about it, I’d be in the basement using myself as a test subject to further 3D insanity.

Destructoid via Gizmodo


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.