If you’re a SolidSmack regular around here (and let’s be honest—you probably are), then you’re no doubt familiar with one of our all-time favorite ‘garage inventors’, Colin Furze. The five-time Guinness World Record Holder and YouTube’s undisputed king of crazy inventions have kept millions of viewers entertained with off-the-wall concepts that are both insane and…
He’s at it again… We’ve seen the wild range of garage invention hijinks that YouTuber Colin Furze has gotten into—including a working Jet-powered bicycle and a homemade hoverbike—so it comes with little surprise that 5-year-old “Little Furze” would eventually come knocking on dad’s workshop door with his own requests. “Dad, can you make me a…
As Avengers: Infinity War makes its way towards the box office-shattering $2 billion global earnings milestone, it comes as little surprise that the superhero movie has inspired a small legion of creators to don their maker capes and create their renditions of the iron-clad superhero troop. Among others is the SolidSmack favorite wacky garage inventor…
When it comes to zany, off-the-wall projects that actually work, it takes a lot for Colin Furze to outdo himself—yet, the ingenious (and ballsy) garage inventor from Stamford Lincolnshire in the UK may have finally done it. In celebration of the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi this week, Furze partnered with eBay to…
If you’re a SolidSmack regular around here (and let’s be honest—you probably are), then you’re no doubt familiar with one of our all-time favorite ‘garage inventors’, Colin Furze. The five-time Guinness World Record Holder and YouTube’s undisputed king of crazy inventions have kept millions of viewers entertained with off-the-wall concepts that are both insane and…
If you’re a SolidSmack regular around here (and let’s be honest—you probably are), then you’re no doubt familiar with one of our all-time favorite ‘garage inventors’, Colin Furze. The five-time Guinness World Record Holder and YouTube’s undisputed king of crazy inventions have kept millions of viewers entertained with off-the-wall concepts that are both insane and…
Welp, he’s at it again. Colin Furze, our favorite garage inventor going on about 3 years now, has raised the bar yet again for zany garage invention hijinks. And while he’s previously created death-trap vehicles including ‘The World’s Fastest Pram’ and a fully-working hoverbike, this time he took a different route to create something a…
When it comes to ‘garage inventors’, few people carry the title as well as Colin Furze. The plumber-turned-viral YouTube video star out of Stamford, Lincolnshire has created everything from the world’s fasted pram to a hoverbike in his humble UK-based garage workshop. And while he probably worries his friends and family sick, he’s showing no…
Few things are as enticing to young engineering students as the opportunity to build their own go-karts from scratch, and 18-year-old engineering student Jasper Edwards is living the dream. The UK-based engineer, who works out of his own garage, creates his karts starting with shopping carts and wheelchairs scavenged from local junkyards. Using the existing…
From removing his socks with a handbuilt rocket launcher to creating a working homemade hoverbike, garage inventor Colin Furze has somehow managed to keep his limbs intact over the past few months – which is saying a lot, because his projects as of late have been getting bigger, faster and certainly a lot more explosive. With…
The last time we checked in with totally-insane-yet-completely-brilliant garage inventor Colin Furze, he was epically removing his socks with the aid of a firework rocket launcher and somehow walking away unscathed. Yet again, we still don’t know how this guy doesn’t end up in the hospital. Yesterday, Furze shared what is likely his most impressive…
It’s always good to end the week on a high note – and more often than not, insane garage inventor Colin Furze ends up somewhere in the top three of our highest notes to end the week on. For his latest stunt, “The Furze” – somehow still alive – created a Firework Rocket Launcher that somehow…
Colin Furze has already established himself up there among the craziest YouTubers, but the insane garage inventor always seems to have something even crazier to share with us. Earlier this week, the UK plumber-turned YouTube sensation managed to turn one of the simplest of things – a tea kettle – into something worthy of multiple…
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from our favorite UK garage inventor Colin Furze, but we’re glad to see that he’s wrapping up 2015 on a high note. The 32-year-old plumber and daredevil, whose previous projects have ranged from the World’s Fastest Pram to a hydroformed suit for wearing while being shot at with…
Having created everything from a jet-powered go-kart and the world’s fastest pram to an ejector bed and even a hydroformed suit designed to be worn while being shot at with fireworks, you would think inventor Colin Furze has seen and done it all. But, as somebody who consistently makes a point of going further and…
When it comes to getting up in the morning, everybody has their own technique for rising from slumber. While some may prefer setting a quick and easy alarm on their smartphones or a jolt from a heavy metal radio station, others prefer the smoothing sounds of jazz or a waterfall. Whatever your method is, none…
When it comes to that nagging, why-isn’t-it-the-end-of-the-week feeling you get on Thursday afternoons, it can be tempting to want to pack up your desk for good and figure out a way to make a career out of making whatever you feel like making – not unlike Colin Furze. The British garage inventor has made a…
Last time we checked-in with crazy YouTube sensation/mad-scientist inventor Colin Furze, he was letting a group of friends shoot fireworks at him whilst wearing a metal suit that he made using his pressure washer to demonstrate the hydroforming method of manufacturing. Frankly, we’re just glad to know that he’s still alive. More recently, the plumber,…
As far as internet video celebrities go, genius inventor and all-around mad man Colin Furze is certainly one of our favorites. The plumber, stuntman, inventor, and filmmaker from Stamford, Lincolnshire, England is known for his wild and downright impressive inventions ranging from ‘The World’s Fastest Pram’ (complete with a flamethrower and World Record to boot)…
We’re pretty sure that if you were to open up your nearest dictionary and open it up to the word ‘Insanity’, Colin Furze’s name would be somewhere in there. The plumber, stuntman, inventor, and filmmaker from Stamford, Lincolnshire, England is known for his wild and downright impressive inventions ranging from ‘The World’s Fastest Pram’ (complete…