Don your favorite bath robe, cream that coffee and get comfortable with this weekend’s SolidSmack Weekend Reader.

This week we saw everything from a new way to build with an unlimited supply of LEGO bricks to a new mobile prototyping station and how Adobe gets their employees excited about spearheading their own creative projects using little more than a box and a gift card.

So lay back, relax and take a load off while reading the top ten stories on SolidSmack this past week.

Oh and uh…don’t forget to shed some much-needed sunlight on your face, too.

Make Your Prototypes on the Go with This 8-in-1 Portable Workshop


“Although living in a big city may have a seemingly endless list of perks for many, living in a cultural epicenter with millions of other people is not without its drawbacks, too. Aside from high real estate costs and a lack of greenery, many who work on creative projects are oftentimes left with having to truck it on the subway or a taxi for up to an hour to get to the equivalent of a “garage workshop” that many in other cities can simply get to just by walking through a side door off of the kitchen – and we’re not even including the amount of additional storage space needed to house multiple tools…”

This Is Likely the Best Wooden Bicycle Design You’ve Seen Yet


“Although we’ve been seeing an increase in wooden bicycle concepts over the past few years, few have ever made it outside of the concept stage – and for many bicycle enthusiasts, this is for good reason. Despite the unarguable beauty of a handcrafted wooden bicycle frame, most designs have come across as purely that: aesthetics before function…”

IKEA Is Now Incorporatating Wireless Charging into Furniture Designs


“Starting next month, some flat-pack college dorm furniture may be more design and environmentally-savvy than that table you bought last year that you swore would be handed down to your grandchildren. Thankfully, the flat-pack furniture in question won’t take too much of a dent out of your wallet in the case that you want to purchase it anyways…”

Graffiti Mapped: This Next-Generation Street Art Is Brought to Life with 3D Mapping


“We don’t normally report on street art here on SolidSmack, but we do love sharing various 3D technologies and the use of raw talent – if for no other reason than for inspiration’s sake…”

The Sugr Cube Speaker Wants You to Touch, Tilt and Flip It


“The Sugr Cube portable WiFi Speaker from Sugr can be a classic case for the scenario where a product becomes an extension of one’s reality. Devoid of inanimate and mechanical switches and dials, this portable speaker lets you interact with it in a very humanized way: it understands your touch, strokes and gentle nudges to let you experience and share your music in novel ways…”

The New Mythbusters: Where Did the ‘Build Team’ Go?


“Chances are, if you are alive in any way, you have more than likely seen at least one episode of Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel…”

Powell Skateboards Manufactures Entire Skateboards under One Roof


“Similar to other board sports that have taken the recreation and lifestyle industries by storm, some of skateboarding’s most influential developments didn’t occur in a research lab, but rather the garage of an engineer…”

MegaBots Look to Bring about New MechWarrior-Type Arena Sport with Giant Robots


“MechWarrior, Robotech, Titanfall, you name it- fighting using giant robots is awesome no matter how you slice it and could soon become a reality. MegaBots are looking to make that dream come true with the world’s first 15-foot tall, 15,000-pound robots…”

Meca Bricks Brings an Unlimited Supply of LEGO to Your Browser


“If we were all being honest here, there has to be at least one time where we have all hoped for that never ending supply of LEGO bricks of choice. Thankfully, there is now a virtual option for owning thousands upon thousands of the iconic bricks without the need for physical storage space and the inevitable stepped-on-brick foot pain. Oh yeah – it’s also free!..”

Adobe Kickstarts Innovation for Employees Using Kickbox


“Have a great idea for a new product but are afraid to bring it up at meetings or perhaps you are having trouble fleshing-out your idea and need direction? Then Adobe’s Kickbox might just be what you need to solve those issues. The idea behind Kickbox essentially gives all the tools necessary to Adobe employees to get their product ideas off the ground without all the bureaucracy and red tape – and they’re offering it to you, too.”
