Have a great idea for a new product but are afraid to bring it up at meetings or perhaps you are having trouble fleshing-out your idea and need direction? Then Adobe’s Kickbox might just be what you need to solve those issues. The idea behind Kickbox essentially gives all the tools necessary to Adobe employees to get their product ideas off the ground without all the bureaucracy and red tape – and they’re offering it to you, too.

Each box contains the items necessary to get project ideas off and running, including Post-it notes (for developing ideas), a mini notebook for keeping track of ‘bad ideas’ and a larger notebook for everything the first two didn’t cover. Those are the mundane items – the interesting tools found in the box include a timer (for brainstorming with time limits), World Market candy and a Starbucks $10 gift card to keep energy levels up during the idea process.

If that wasn’t enough, the box contains a set of instructions to help users through the conceive and design phases for new product development and a $1,000 prepaid Citi card to ‘kickstart‘ the project.



The great thing about Kickbox is that any Adobe employee can request one without being turned down. There is also no deadline for project ideas, no repercussions for failures and no need to keep receipts for expenditures. The Kickbox isn’t all fun and games however – it features six levels of new product completion phases that need to be accomplished in order to be successful- from Level 1- inception (self-explanatory) to Level 6-infiltrate (successful pitch to corporate heads).



Participants will also need to be able to program their own product website and get a minimum number of visitors before they ‘beat the box’ and graduate to the next level- the Bluebox:


Nobody knows what’s contained or involved with when it comes to the Blue box but the numbers show it isn’t and easy walk in the park. Out of 1,000 Kickbox participants, only 60 have chosen to participate and of those, only 23 have beaten the Redbox or convinced management their products were worth exploring. Moreover, yes, they have received a Blubox but nobody’s talking.


Adobe has generously provided the creative community with the Kickbox resources (minus the $1,000 Citi card) for anybody looking to kickstart their own creative projects. Check it out over at Adobe.


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