

lego minifig

LEGO’s are known the world over! Their blocks excite our imagination. Give a kid a mess of Lego blocks and in no time they’ll have a structure reaching to the sky! Yet for all the fun of making buildings or secret caves, let’s face it, there wouldn’t be much life to LEGOs without those tiny,…

viking spear

It has been a very long time since Vikings roamed the land. Back in the late 8th to late 11th centuries these Norsemen were masters of hunting, raiding, and trading. But they could do almost none of these things without the proper tools, so it only made sense that their smithing techniques were just as…

how vinyl records are made

I can’t quite call myself old enough to have experienced the golden age of the phonograph, ya know since they date back as early as the mid-1800s.  But with the (continual) resurgence of vinyl records, now with the age of hipsters and vintage music enthusiasts, I figure this would be a nice opportunity to see…


It’s hard to take a break between long computer sessions, whether it’s because you’re “in the zone”, finishing a personal project or slammin’ pixels for project deadline. But with MagnetCubes, I think we’ll find ways to jump off the computer an hour or five for some good ol’ fashion play. MagnetCubes Modular Magnetic Blocks To…

iphone guitar

Here’s something you don’t see everyday: using a hundred iPhone cases, guitar maker ArtMayer has effectively created a guitar body worth thousands of dollars. But does it shred just as well as any guitar? Let’s find out! 1. Strip and Glue the iPhones Just to be clear, these aren’t brand new iPhones he’s using. Most…

Wooly Mammoth cooler

Even though humankind has gone pale and pasty from excessive indoor living, they somehow still find joy in eating outdoors. Trees rustling, birds chirping, congealed hame and cheese on whole grain wheat, Ahhhhhh. It’s one of life’s great mysteries; there’s something about nature that makes eating more satisfying. Of course, you’d be remiss to go…


Here’s something you’ve never seen before: a barcode scanner being used as a musical instrument: Part of the Electronicos Fantasticos project which aims to reuse old consumer electronics by turning them into instruments, this “Barcoderess” may look like normal prison attire but is in fact a piece of clothing covered in a number of different…

walking bicycle

If you’ve ever looked at a bike and thought “Man, I wish this thing had a bunch of freakin’ legs instead of wheels”, then you’re probably just as awesome as the people behind YouTube channel The Q. Taking inspiration from Dutch designer Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests (kinetic sculptures which move with the wind), this bicycle’s rear…

cardboard pet toy

YouTuber BLACKHAND is a master at constructing DIY projects that allow us to experience tantalizing chain reactions. His burning matchstick pieces are wildly popular enjoying views in the millions! But just when we may have been tempted to dubb him Mr. Combustable and were itching to burn something else, he’s done gone and changed up…