It’s no longer a secret–modo 701 is going to kick butt in major ways. Luxology’s Brad Peebler gave an online presentation this morning where he showed off the best of what’s new for those of us eager to dive into the new release. From updated edge beveling enhancements to a new animation workflow, Luxology has…
Luxology announced earlier this week their new modo 701, and as expected there are a host of improvements including expanded animation features like audio playback and sound support. For those of you looking to upgrade, here’s a quick preview of what’s to come.
While modo (and the modo community) offer a wealth of free material presets, there’s always going to be a time when you’ve made your own adjustments and want to save your secret recipe-material as a preset for later use. In this quick tip we’ll give you a rundown on saving out your custom material to…
Back when I was in design school my fellow students seemed to have one of two traits that were exceptional in their own right: Sketching or CAD Modeling. Ketchup or Mustard. Peanut Butter or Jelly. Alone these things are ‘okay’. Put them together and you have an unstoppable force capable of breaking the outer limits…
Last week Luxology and The Foundry announced a merger. The CG/VFX scene was all abuzz and many a product designer head was popping out of cubicle, office windows and coffee shop to see what the craziness was all about. We caught up with Luxology CEO Brad Peebler to get the lowdown on the merger and…
Go ahead, say it. No, scream it. SUBD to NURBS! Better if it’s done two inches from the secretary’s face immediately after you’ve chugged a bottle of milk. SubD to NURBS indeed. You may wonder what these strange words are. Or, you may know all about the surface mesh to solid modeling possibilities recently launched…
I believe all the texture locators have dropped off my face from pure shock. Luxology has just released awesomeness disguised in the form of the new modo Rigging Master Course for modo 501. It’s 26+ hours of having your brain contraints tweaked by the incredible Rich Hurrey, Techincal Director at Pixar, who will take you…
What’s better than a 3D model with a bunch of curvy bits? A 3D model that replaces the curvy bits with more knobs, pipes, cutters, angles, conduit, boosters and extrusions than is reasonable or even imaginable. If you’re high fiving your face in agreement, you’ll want to remove the hydraulic actuators from your jowls and…
You may want to stop suckin’ that SolidWorks model through the regular old modo SolidWorks import for a few days. Why? You’re about to get a stronger, rockin’er, suckin’er solution to bring all those bits and bobs into modo. It’s the modo for SolidWorks kit. It’s coming soon along with more materials, more compatibility, SolidWorks-like…
Oh the joys of being able to put ‘Smack’ in a headline and having it actually rhyme. Don’t forget this day folks. DON’T FORGET IT. Not for the reason of rhyme, but for the very reason that Luxology, has automated package design ecology, and is crackin’ render scenes with no apology. Check the tech-nology.
Hey, there’s nothing like an industry brief on technology that pushes your agenda. amirite? Yeah for agendas! and YEAH for CPU’s and the power they have to push the limits of rendering. Huzzah!! Hugs for multi-core and hugs for photon-dicin’ render divas showing us what kind of power the CPU has to do it. Among…
No, don’t look away. It’s not scary at all. However, the awesomeness may cause the skin to tighten across your face as the excitement in your teeth push you jowls back over your head. If you have teeth. If you don’t, don’t worry, because we can sculpt some in and render them gold faster than…
If you’re cruising down the drag and needing some head-bobbin’ beats to make the cabbies and cuties drop their ice-cream cones, check out Luxology founder Brad Peebler. ♪♫ Dope beat ♪♫ aaaaand Happy, Happy birthday to my main man Jetty, he’s bustin’ out assets fast as Mario Andretti…. you’ll have to listen to this week’s…
Most of you only have two fists. One for slamming out 3D geometry in SolidWorks and the other for punching it with pretty sauce using modo. However, if you’re just starting to build up those layers of rendering calluses, you may be looking for some soothing aloe to take the pain away from the workflow…
If you’ve birthed a wee one, or have been involved in the process of choosing an appropriate container to cart them around in, you might be familiar with Phil & Ted’s. They make the buggies that make your head turn when you’re trudging down the running path like an angry marsupial mama with three children…
Jaw. Dropping. I’m slapping myself over and over. Actually, this is the second time I’ve slapped myself to the point my jaw is hanging by a few strands. I saw a preview of the new Luxology Studio Lighting & Illumination Kit (“SLIK”) for modo at SolidWorks World last week and have been having dreams of…
It’s just not working. You spit on your screen, rub your eyes and wait for your models to turn into a beautifully rendered animation, and all you get are frightened looks from your co-workers. We can fix that. If you do any rendering or use SolidWorks and their PhotoView 360 rendering product, you’re probably familiar…
What has Fur, Bumps, stereoscopic 3D support and reeks of SolidWorks Import possibilities? The brand new version of Luxology’s modeling/rendering/animation package, modo 401. Yes, all of that, in one integrated tool. Since first being show early this year, many a rendering fanatic has been anticipating the new rendering capabilities, while deep in the lair of…
Luxology has some very, very SWEET news coming out today. It’s the ‘Hey, I can bring my SolidWorks models directly into a rendering program and get some dang cool graphics.” kind of news. I talked with Brad Peebler, CEO of Luxology (modo), and got to see some of the new features in the upcoming modo…