Aesthetics play a huge role in Instagram. If that is entirely the case, the retro feel you get from Polaroid Originals OneStep+ will probably give you everything. There is almost no need for additional filters as the camera itself has a beautiful trademark in terms of colors and tones. However, it lacks convenience in terms
Because the popular 3D CAD apps have no visible appendages to beat each other down into an oily goo or give their own opinion on medicine, politics or art, we’ve decided to see what the web has to say about how they all stack up in this regard. To do it, we’re using a nifty…
Last Week at SolidWorks World, I had a short sit down with Matthew West, master of social media computing at SolidWorks. We talked all about social media this and social crap crap that until everyone in the room around us was hugging and tweeting each other. We didn’t get into it, but I know he’d…
Shalacka Smacka! Guess what? The SolidSmack Facebook Fan Page is finally up and running. That’s HUGE news… considering it only takes a click and 5 minutes to set up. So yes, we should have done this a long time ago to share in the excitement of all that important social interaction. The wait… is over.…
W… what the..? WTWH, of course. The media conglomerate that harnesses the combine power of Design World, WindPower Engineering, MCAD Central and a slew of other paper and web properties. The past couple of days I’ve received multiple Twitter request in my inbox with the nicknames “wtwh_(name)”. At first I thought spam, but then I…
Are you tired of people going on about Twitter? Well, it’s not going to ends anytime soon with talk about them being bought out and the value their search provides. One outfit,, is bringing value to people, even those that don’t use Twitter, by compiling all the data about jobs on Twitter. What’s even…
I’m happy to say that Industrial Design is alive and well in the Social Media sphere due in part to a select few Industrial Designer bringing things together to let everyone else know what’s up. Industrial Designers around the world are getting organized on Twitter. The coolest thing about it? They’re not just using it…
Strap an unnecessary amount of shiny metal objects to your clothing and take a swig of intensity. We’re about to step inside the realm of very vague advice… and then totally slam it with the most practical information your fingers have ever bleed scrapping to get a hold of. Out of all the practices in…
If you comment here on the post regularly, you’re extremely privileged to be using the most powerful commenting system of all time, Disqus. Yes, it’s quite a lot to take in, but it’s gone one better. If you don’t like logging into a Disqus profile, you can now just sign in using your Facebook account.…
Twitter = accessibility. It has opened up clogged lines of communication and expanded personal and community networks around the world and it just keeps getting bigger, I tell ya. When some of us were on months ago, there’s wasn’t much buzz on the 3D CAD side of things. That has changed big time in the…