Shalacka Smacka! Guess what? The SolidSmack Facebook Fan Page is finally up and running. That’s HUGE news… considering it only takes a click and 5 minutes to set up.
So yes, we should have done this a long time ago to share in the excitement of all that important social interaction. The wait… is over. Now all your old college roommates and your old grandmas on Facebook will know you are now rockin’ along with SolidSmack. What else does this mean for you? Take a look…
- Additional Content
- Get notified of new posts
- Receive special updates that no one else does
- Post stuff you find interesting to the SolidSmack Wall
- Discuss all sorts of craziness in the Discussions
Ya see that “SolidSmack on Facebook” block in the sidebar? That shows some of the content on the Fan Page and all the cool people who are already fans. Awesome.
Besides all that you can share SolidSmack goodness with your other Facebook friends. Oh, and there’s the whole argument that EVERYTHING will be Facebook one day.
So, go ahead… Become a Fan!