I think you’ll agree with me when I say, there are just not enough vehicles out there that can hover. It’s a problem, but one that some people have been inspired to change. One such person is Chris Malloy. Chris works as an optics engineer out of Sydney, Australia. In his spare time, he has…
If there was one desk I would sit behind and make loud, obnoxious race car sounds followed by dry hacking… it would be this one. A desk inspired by the 1930’s era of Bugatti Grand Prix racers tearing blue streaks around the track. This work of engineering brilliance is the brainchild of Alan Sawyer and…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Japanese animation, it’s that elbow pitts can explode and some of us will fight each other, mutant creatures and evil robots in extremely large exoskeletons. This is proof. Skeletonics is a on-going project by an imaginative, and quite clever, group of Japanese students who are using simple kinematics,…
If you’ve birthed a wee one, or have been involved in the process of choosing an appropriate container to cart them around in, you might be familiar with Phil & Ted’s. They make the buggies that make your head turn when you’re trudging down the running path like an angry marsupial mama with three children…
Holster your gab canon for a moment and raise your goggles. You’ll want to clear some room off the old battle barge for a custom cohort of the artistic variety. It’s 4 inches of resin robot goodness and the first Rampart rendition from the London-based lab of Cris Rose. We’ve featured the custom creations of…
Before you reach in that bucket and grab a week-old shard of melted plastic to gnaw on for a little iPad case-makin’ inspiration, look at what the necessity for flatness and reduced material usage has resulted in. Like many of you, Jeff Bare, of jbare designs, knew he would be getting an iPad the first…
You might have a dad that builds you cool camera accessories, but what if you have one that attached rockets to anything that moves? Even better. Ron Patrick is Mechanical Engineer that has no problem with jamming jets into tiny vehicles, so that’s what he did. One modified turboshaft engine, one VW Bug, one sweet…
Yes, it only takes a spark… a studio, a computer, a small production crew, some large machinery, and probably a keg of the strongest ale… to get a interactive web series going… and SolidWorks has done just that. This week SolidWorks launched the new interactive web series called Let’s Go Design. It’s full of design,…
It’s days like these I wake up on a desolate beach and peel no less than 14 jellyfish off my face. It’s enough to inspire one to make electronic devices out of their soft, fleshy bodies that float around you and sting people as you enter a room. Erik Campbell actually has a better idea…
I know you enjoy the magnificence of your hairy knuckles as much as the next guy, but after you take a look at this ring, you may be reaching for razor. Ben Hopson and entrepreneur Glen Liberman of Kinekt Design are collaborating together on a series of kinetic jewelry pieces. This Gear Ring is the…
Well, it’s happened. Someone at SolidWorks had a few too many no-doze with NOS chasers (and I’m almost positive) shot through the Concord office with fire spraying from their back screaming, LET’S GO DESIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGN!!!!!!!!! It was effective. Starting last week, LetsgoDesign.tv is up and running. There’s not any actual video yet, but the tone is…
If you’re like me, you’ve been a bit uneasy and perhaps bitter that you didn’t get the foam projectile device you wanted so badly for Christmas. Wipe those tears, because it’s a new year and there’s something even cooler you’ll want to get your hands on. Phil Sluder of Triaxial Design has all the boys…
It’s not so much that everything in the future will be built around the idea that we’ll need a proper vessel to study the organs of extraterrestrial life, but you can imagine very quickly that it would need to look stinkin’ cool… and have lights and bolts and stuff. For instance, it would almost certainly…
This is how it all ends, my friends. They pull us in with their human-like emotions and then crush our wills to live… and also maybe our faces. The mechanical and overly productive counterparts of society, many are anxious to release upon civilization, has seen some intense development as of late, Recon bots and the…
Don’t take it from us, just listen to Al Dean who confirms that he is 99% sure that the new RED Digital Cinema cameras Scarlet and EPIC are modeled in SolidWorks and likely rendered in the blistery goodness of HyperShot. The RED SCARLET and EPIC are the first of their kind build-it-from-scratch-with-endless-amounts-of-possibilities Digital Still Motion…
Yes, it crawls like none other. Not across your face in the middle of a dark, cold night in the middle of Utah, but across the vicious terrain of the rockiest of earthen obstacles and barriers. BE warned! Be very a…warned! It’s the Venom Creeper with 70 degrees of axle articulation and a magnificent transmission…