If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Japanese animation, it’s that elbow pitts can explode and some of us will fight each other, mutant creatures and evil robots in extremely large exoskeletons.
This is proof.
Skeletonics is a on-going project by an imaginative, and quite clever, group of Japanese students who are using simple kinematics, SolidWorks and aluminum materials to show the motorless possibilities our fleshy body possess to move as part of a fluid mechanical structure.
The project has been in work for the past 6 months with the goal of making the mechanism feel part of your body. As you’ll see, it practically is. If SolidWorks hasn’t contacted these guys to sponsor their project, they should and then make this suit the mandatory dress code for all employees.
If you don’t have 3 minutes to watch the intro on the process, skip ahead to 3:20 to see the suit in action.
Skeletonics via Engadget