I know you enjoy the magnificence of your hairy knuckles as much as the next guy, but after you take a look at this ring, you may be reaching for razor.

Ben Hopson and entrepreneur Glen Liberman of Kinekt Design are collaborating together on a series of kinetic jewelry pieces. This Gear Ring is the first to come out of production and onto your fashion sensitive fingers. It was designed in SolidWorks, but you know there’s always more to the process. Glen Liberman had a few gems to tell us about the design challenges they faced.

Oh, and you know we’ve got the hi-res images and video you all love.

What were the challenges you faced with designing and manufacturing the ring?
Despite the fact that a ring does not seem like a complicated object to produce/manufacture, it did take quite a bit of time and effort (about a year) to get to the finished product.

What are the key attributes of the design process?
I believe this process takes flexibility, patience, and persistence. Also, sharing this vision with others is not an easy task and takes clear and precise communication skills to convey what you want as the desired result. It is important to be able to bounce ideas off of others and get feedback accordingly. You (the designer) become so close to the product that is often difficult to make final decisions about it whether it be the aesthetics or even the packaging design.

The ring is made of high quality matte stainless steel, which means you can growl as loud as you want when you put this beauty on. Take in the brilliance of the design and catch the video at the end to see how it works. (click to enlarge)

BIG thanks to Joe Birner for the heads up!!


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.