By day, Wataru Kami is a concept artist at a production company in Tokyo, Japan. By night, he is a seasoned hardware tinkerer with one hand on the keyboard and the other holding a soldering iron. More recently, the Japanese designer put his two passions together to create what is surely one of the most…
Although nothing will ever replace the experience of uncapping a fresh marker and “layin’ down” on top of a ready-to-go sketch, it can still be a time-consuming process that many may not have time for in today’s fast-paced, quick-turnaround world of product development. Although we don’t necessarily approve of ditching analog sketching altogether in favor…
It’s hard to deny that when it comes to speeding up your workflow in any given software, keyboard shortcuts (AKA Hot Keys) are far and away among the most efficient ways of shaving time off of your digital tasks. Whether you’re gathering some inspiration images in Photoshop, starting some sketches in Sketchbook Pro, Developing a…
Ask anybody who has become a speed demon within an app what their secret is and more often than not, an expert-level use of hot keys is likely to be among the more common answers. Whether the user is a graphic designer switching between selection tools in Photoshop or Illustrator, or a design engineer switching…
Not to get all personal with you on a Tuesday, but how many different design apps do you use? The non-CAD variety – the apps that help you document, store, take notes and generally be a nuisance to those who don’t like your repeated requests to join GMail or a Dropbox? There are likely a…
This Saturday, the end of people droning on about awesome iPhone apps ends and the start of people droning on about awesome iPad apps… begins. Yes, the iPad is here. Getting one? If you are, and your also into sketchin’ awesomeness with your nubbins, you’re gonna love this. Earlier today, I got a heads up…
Foot stomps and smocks! Crazy smocks, as a matter of fact. You want one? I want one. Preferably equipped with pony smiles, blinking lights, and these links. Theodoru Badiu – Everything from Paper head boy to Tentacle Monsters and one-legged spheroid birds. Teodoru has 3D characters down. Making of “The Tattooed Skull” – Hey, it’s…
Ya think a corndog, travellin’ 500 mph isn’t gonna make a couple onions burst or tear a hole in the universe? Well, it did and took half the city block and these links with it! Markus Vogt – The Sci-Fi fantasy, surreal, and almost Gigeresque 3D/Photoshop art of Markus Vogt. Reduce distractions from Co-workers -…