Once the slivers had been excised from the finger, I looked up, then over at the man-sized centipede in the corner. Leaning against an old Calvi Parma accordion and gnawing an green carpet scrap, it leaned over slowly picking up the cigarette I had tossed on the floor. Offering me the carpet scrap, I realized the beginning of our next journey would start and end with these links.

Michael Rogers – Maybe it’s his strange obsession with Star Wars and Wes Anderson films (all the way back to Bottle Rocket) or maybe it’s the typography and the layer effects. This is his art.
Google maps – New things are coming. Things like fully interactive, tailored maps and integration with Google Earth for 3D views of cities. Preview and invite sign up here.
Encounter – A graphical look at the territorial response of North Atlantic species by Eoin Duffy. Watching the first minute, will make you watch the rest.
TV Miniatures – Here’s one thing you can do with a hallowed out television. Turn them into small rooms, sit and stare at them for hours.
Riddick – Afraid of the dark? I, for one, am glad the next chapter of Riddick is upon us. Vin Diesel is back this fall. This is the trailer.
Arrow Machinations – A sculptural installation featuring arrows? Yes, I think I’ll have a look at that.
Assemblage – A third sculptor this week, Jud Turner creates impressive mixed media wall art; a mix of the natural, mechanical and unusual.
oOohh Baby Gimme Mores – Toronto-based band gets the Ryan Enn Hughes color-clash makeover in this video cool enough to start your weekend off right.


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.