We don’t even know where or how to start to explain how awesome our guest Steven Heller is. He is currently the co-chair of the MFA “Designer as Author” Department at New York’s School of the Visual Arts, is a former art director for the New York Times Book Review, a contributing editor for many design magazines, and has written over 150 books on the subject of design, including books on writing for design and design entrepreneurship.
[evdDownload filesize=”49.6 MB”]http://evd1.tv/podcasts/EngineerVsDesigner-E69.mp3[/evdDownload]
We’ll be discussing:
- Who are you Steven Heller?
- Tell us about your obsession with design and how you wrote so many books (150!!)?
- What can industrial designers learn from your material?
- What is the best piece of advice for a design entrepreneur in 2013?
- …and more!
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