Remember Alibre? That’s how we started this article in April 2013 when Geomagic relaunched the 3D modeling software as Geomagic Design after acquiring them in July 2011. Geomagic had just been acquired by 3D Systems a short three months earlier in January 2013. It was all sorts of craziness. However, you would do well to remember Alibre because, now, they’re back… Well, almost.

Don’t Call it A Comeback

Alibre has been here for years, just stuffed in the thick bag of Geomagic engineering software, stuffed in another bag of 3D Systems bureaucracy. Hardcore fans of the software hung on and their patience has paid off. The news that ‘Alibre is back’ was announced by former Alibre Product and Marketing Manager, now Alibre CEO, Max Freeman (North Texas, represent! whhut!), in a Geomagic forum post on May 18th.

Hey folks,

Max here. It’s been a while! There are some rumors concerning what’s happening with Geomagic Design, and it’s time to come clean.

Myself and several ex-Alibre employees have created a new company called Alibre, LLC, and we have entered into a definitive agreement with 3D Systems to transfer Geomagic Design to our company for sales, support, development, etc.

I am sure there will be many questions, lots of excitement, and lots of dialog concerning this on short order. However, the “great reveal” came a bit ahead of schedule (thanks to some super-sleuthing from some of you – the coolest customer base in the history of software 8) )

So, please let me just say that we are not ready to broadly discuss our plans quite yet. However, that good communication you knew and loved is coming back, I promise. Just give us a week or two (or three). Please don’t call 3D Systems because they will not have the information you might want to know. If you have a reseller, they don’t know much more than you at the moment, so I suggest waiting to get an informational email before checking with them. Here is some general info:

The target is first week or so of June. That is a target – there is a lot to do and unforeseen things may come up.

My maintenance is about to expire!:
3D Systems is not currently selling maintenance. Hold off for a few weeks and buy it from Alibre, LLC – you won’t be penalized.

I need a new license right now
If you can’t wait, go ahead and call 3D Systems and place an order. They are selling licenses currently.

What happens to my current software
Customers on maintenance will get the new version for free. Customers not on maintenance can continue to use Geomagic Design – more on this later

What’s in the new version?
The product is being rebranded and there will be a new licensing mechanism that we hope will be much easier for you to use.

That’s it?
Yes. Alibre will spin up development operations quickly and start releasing updates in the next few months.

We’re so excited to reconnect and serve you guys. We hope you feel the same. I’m not going to lock this thread – but we’re super busy and again, this is ahead of our planned announcement. So, please excuse communication delays as we are not focused too heavily at this stage on this forum. I’ll try to pop on as best I can.


The news was met with comments like:

“Hallelujah” and “Amen” :D

Great! :)

Absolutely outstanding!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


I’m so excited, can’t tell you, maybe as anyone here. :D

So long 3D Systems


Alibre is back.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Alibre was a fantastic software competing nearly neck-to-neck with other 3D modeling software like SpaceClaim, Solid Edge, and SolidWorks, except on price. Alibre was popular for its capability but more so for its price. In 2009, they announced they would beat any quote for a competing product by a factor of 10. Then they said screw it and dropped the price to $99. A year prior to the Geomagic acquisition, in February 2010, they dropped prices across the board -$97 for Alibre Standard, $497 for Alibre Professional and Alibre Expert for $997. (They finally got those 7’s in the price.)

All this to toss some thought on Alibre’s move into a world of 3D software that has seen a shift to the cloud with Fusion 360 and Onshape, both of which can be had right now for less than Alibre’s crazy 2010 prices. They have a strong and dedicated group leading and a strong and dedicated user base already, so very interesting to imagine the possibilities.

So, there it is and here we are. 2017 and Alibre is back, baby.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.