I declared a couple of months ago that Lenovo had marketed its ThinkPad Tablet to the wrong crowd. It’s 10″ screen and pressure sensitive stylus made it stick out as the first real contender for the title of Cintiq-on-the-cheap. Lucky me, someone at Lenovo read the post and offered up a review unit. Of course,…
Remember Lytro? They’re the company that promised to give us a camera that takes refocus-able pictures for an affordable price. Of course, “affordable” is relative and the original press release wasn’t giving up the goods. Well, today emails went out to those who signed up for Lytro’s mailing list allowing priority for pre-orders. The camera’s range from…
After I wrote about the ThinkPad Tablet last week, I was contacted by Lenovo and offered a unit to review for a month or so. Of course I took them up on the offer. This is a quick post which will be followed up in a few weeks with an in-depth review.
I used to keep a watch on every sub-$700 tablet coming to the market. I was looking for a magical combination of specs that would make it the perfect budget Cintiq. After CES 2011’s disappointing announcements, the closest there was to what I wanted was the 7″ HTC Flyer. So, having found the best capacitive…
Engadget’s Sharif Sakr spent some hands on time with Wacom’s newest two products the Cintiq 24HD and the Inkling. If you’ve got a space of 15 minutes, you can watch videos and demos with a Wacom rep after the break. After reviewing the info available on both of these products, these are the most notable…
Today Wacom announced the Inkling, a new digital/ballpoint sketch pen that captures your real world sketches digitally for easy manipulation/refinement later. Say what? It digitizes your sketches so you can skip the scanner and go straight to work. Those familiar with the Livescribe note-taking pen will be familiar with the concept already, but this time,…
A quick note to all you digital dreamers. Until September 22nd, anything ordered from Ponoko out of cardboard or card will only cost your laser time + shipping, making it a little cheaper to try out the geometry of that backscratcher/fruit bowl you’ve been cooking up in Solidworks before you commit to plywood. Both the…
In what makes the first real Wacom news I’ve heard in a long while, a Cintiq 24HD was just givent the stamp of approval. This is according to Engadget, the tech blog whose writers devote more time combing through FCC filings than I spend combing through my hair. The new tablet has the nomenclature “24HD”…
I love my 3DConnexion 3D mouse, don’t get me wrong. But even the recent version 10 drivers have left me wanting more. I want to control reality like I do my viewport. As it turns out, that might be doable. 3DConnexion posted a video on Youtube, showing them controlling a Parrot AR Drone with a…
Why mess with printing petroleum-based plastic when there are whole deserts full of sand? Markus Kayser’s Solar Sinter Project converted a hot dog cart constructed a 3D printer that uses a giant Fresnel lens to sinter sand into 3D glass objects. Done as part of his MA studies at the Royal College of Art. There…
Apple doesn’t let its biggest seller just hang out with any ol’ accessory, it makes them go through the full father-cleaning-his-shotgun interview before a device can woo the heart of iOS and its customer base. So perhaps it was in response to the Android Accessory Development Kit (ADK) announced at Google IO that Apple decided…
Metrix Create: Space – a collective of evil geniuses in Seattle Washington – recently posted their first results out of their current project, Big Robot. It’s an old CNC machine repurposed to carry a scaled up version of the plastic extruder from the RepRap open source 3D printer project. Aside from being built from mostly…
Yes. I did just tell you last week to go fund ShapeOko on Kickstarter. But some of you looked at it and thought that you needed an already proven design, and some input on new features. Man, you’re picky… but you’re also in luck! DIYLILCNC is just the machine for you and for 40 or…
Ever built a CNC machine? I have. You never, ever hit your budget. Usually it’s because you don’t count on shipping costs or having to deal with sourcing hardware/parts from many different distributors. If you’re trying to recreate a project from instructables, you obviously missed the part where the author failed to mention he spent years…
While it can’t prevent your mother from cutting the heads off of subjects, Lytro’s Light Field Camera will allow her—and you—to choose a new focus subject in photos after the fact. “What?!?!” you ask, “What black magic is this?” Lytro’s secret-keeping explanation simply says the camera has the ability to capture incredible amounts of light…
It came to my attention this morning that Wacom, the purveyor of drawing tablets for your computer, has issued yet another iPad product under their Bamboo brand: Bamboo Paper. It’s pitched as “a natural and realistic writing and sketching application tool” as a “perfect complement to the Bamboo Stylus for iPad.” After playing with it…
Fab.com is a service that launched a few weeks ago and sets up deals—ala Groupon but with better terms for the vendors—for retail designer goods. This ranges from Andy Warhol silk screens to modern furniture. At present, it is invite only, but that is very easily taken care of. I’m more than happy to provide…
Scoreloop, a social gaming platform company based out of Munich, announced today they have been acquired by RIM, the company behind Blackberry and the Playbook. The acquisition was as much for the Scoreloop personnel as the technology behind the world-wide scoring system for mobile gaming. This gives an indication of RIM’s new direction, but does…
After my rant about Wacom’s announcement of their aluminum Bamboo Stylus for iPads—and all other capacitive screens—Shapedad’s Ivo Beckers got ahold of me and asked me to try out his Eco Stylus. Turns out, it is actually made of bamboo. I waited until I had a good bit of experience with the new stylus before…
Ponoko, the New Zealand based purveyor of laser cutting services has been rolling out additional services this year under the name Personal Factory. In the past, they’ve added services such as 3D printing and have provided access to a huge catalog of electronics components. Now, they’re announced one more way to butcher that beautiful, flat-packed…
Running out of things to give your mother for her birthday/Christmas/Mother’s Day? (hint: you’re late on that last one.) Shapeways, an online 3D printing company which already has one of the largest materials offerings on the net, has introduced Glazed Ceramics 3D printing. One of their trumpeted examples is a coffee mug, so it will…
Of all the things that Google announced yesterday at the Google I/O developers conference, the one I find most exciting is their new Android Open Accessory standards and the Accessory Development Kit (ADK) that goes with it. The best nerdy part of this nerdy story is that the ADK is centered around the Arduino open…