Have you’ve ever arrived at your desk and felt a sudden onset of ‘MY DESK IS SO BEIGE’ horror flood over you? It’s not uncommon. It’s why we put charts of conversion tables and part number inventories on the wall… then shriek in horror again when that makes it all worse. You need some COLOR.…
Yeah, I hear ya. *sips coffee* I use to chisel gears and form motorcycle fairings from raw metal with the delicate jawbone of water shrew… by which I mean, I’ve never actually done that, but have worn a motorcycle jacket… for a few minutes… it was hot… quite stiff, actually. One thing is for certain though, if…
If there’s one threat I’ve always given when being kicked repeatedly in the lung sacks, it’s “If you kick me one more time! I will open my steampunk spectacle! After which you will incur the wrath of 5000 hungry steampunk ladybugs! That willst shoot from my steampunk face orb! Engulf your body! And commence dismantling…
American Wrench and William “Iron Bill” Shatner have teamed up to create the Rivet, a type of vehicle they have called a ‘Landjet’. “Designed from the ground up as a 3 wheeled vehicle, with its exposed cockpit and command center, seating fit only for a captain and the harmonious roar of its brute V8, piloting Rivet…
The mist clears and a brassy, leather-clad apparition appears towering above with nothing but a low hum and muffled wirring of clicks and springs. Prepare to inspire your rigid 3D mind into the most pliable, inventive machine of mechanical renaissance madness you’ve ever experienced. Steampunk. It’s the coolest new ‘old’ on the internet. It brings…