You know the comments you keep hearing? No, not the ones about how you look in tight pants. The ones about how good the product you design would look if you only had a good rendering. Once upon a time, a simple rendering seemed impossible. No more. Over the past few years, creating amazing renderings…
I’m not sure if you’ve experienced the joys of working as a fry cook in a back alley noodle house, but if you have, you’ll greatly appreciate the artistry it takes to design those chicken tender lovin’ mesh buckets. There’s a lot that goes into shaping that sheet metal and jabbing electronics in like a…
Why it was only a month ago that Hypershot fans around the world were up in arms about the news of Bunkspeed losing the licensing for the tech behind Hypershot to it’s creators at Luxion. We knew but one thing, Luxion would be developing and launching a new release… shortly. Well, shortly is here and…
This just outta the Develop3D crew. Oh, and you may want to grab hold of your spastic colon. If you’ve bought the ever so easy-to-use HyperShot rendering program from Bunkspeed in the past, as of this January 1st, the program (as it were) will no longer exist. I’m not even going to repeat all the…
Pump up the Thump on the Bump man! Your renderings of soup cups and cyborgs just might get a bit more realistic, and guess what, it won’t require any harmful immunizations or soap throwing. Bunkspeed has released Hypershot 1.9, the latest version of their rendering software. If you’ve read the press release, you’ll see it…