Well, we’ve seen what Adobe is bringing to 3D and UX design, but Adobe Research has developed some other interesting apps, highlighting them at the 2016 Adobe Max conference. They cover the gamut, from 2D and 3D to voice and VR, leaving us with something to ponder on the future of 3D product design. Bear…
With Siggraph 2015 coming up in just over a month, researchers and software engineers are gearing up to show off their latest 3D software developments that have been in works in progress over the past twelve months. Just earlier this week we saw a new piece of software from a team of researchers at Nanyang…
If we were all being honest here, there has to be at least one time where we have all hoped for that never ending supply of LEGO bricks of choice. Thankfully, there is now a virtual option for owning thousands upon thousands of the iconic bricks without the need for physical storage space and the…
This is a guest post from missile makin’, Engineer from Arizona, Scott Wertel of Wertel Enterprises. Solid Edge ST4 is one of those releases that I cherish, but is a marketer’s nightmare. I don’t remember the official number of improvements made in this version, but they focus more on specific customer requests to improve productivity…