Why it seems like only 1 month and 18 days ago that we announced the ‘Make Your Laser Cut Toy’ challenge and, in fact, it was. All entrants stepped up to such a challenge with 196 laser cut creations! A big handclap and a few prematurely launched fireworks for all of you. We have ONE big winner for this challenge and five runners-up. Here they are with the additional honorable mentions from the judges.
‘Make Your Lasercut Toy’ Challenge
There were honestly and incredible amount of well-thought designs; many that had even been tested and built. We were looking for creativity and along with it manufacturability and, being a toy, high play factor. For any of the entries, our hope is that you can take your design and build it into a product you can sell via Ponoko or launch a Kickstarter campaign around. Many would say you’ve completed the difficult part of launching a campaign, especially if you already have the prototype built. Now, without further ado, we present the winner of the Laser cut Toy Challenge!
Grand Prize
The Grand Prize winner is:
Castle attack by Andrea Garuti
Castle attack by Andrea Garuti takes top prize with a fun and scalable build of a castle and the implements of medieval war. Storm the castle gate, launch cows and fiery hay bails over that parapets. Start small! Build tall! Congrats to Andrea who created this and takes home the Lenovo W530 Thinkpad, a license of SpaceClaim, his model cut by Ponoko, a Develop3D subscription, a cadjunkie Pro membership and a 3D animation of his model from WoodMarvels.com. Phew!!
We have five people who will receive a Ponoko Making Voucher worth $50, a Premium cadjunkie membership and a GrabCAD t-shirt. The winners are:
Honorable Mentions
We would like to honor others who were mentioned in the judging. Congrats to you all!
There are a ton of great entries, so be sure to check them all out, congratulate them and encourage them to take the next step to get their toys into the hands of others! Thanks again to everyone who participated