Here we go! PTC is steppin’ it up a notch and lathering our cad bagels with another free-to-squeeze ‘Creo app.’ No fiddling about with ‘Friskets’ and splines this time though. Now it’s all creamy, 3D infused app slapping that allows you to toy with their emotions direct modeling. And guess what? It’s also free. Let’s take a little look at Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express 4.0,

Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express 4.0

Do you remember CoCreate Modeling Personal Edition? No? Well, this is what Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express (Can we just shorten that to DME? Yes? Ok.) is based off of… or repackaged as… or re-released as. In fact, it’s much the same except you can’t move the toolbars around. It standardizes on the Creo ribbon layout, Structure Browser and the pop-up Property setting for each feature. As in CoCreate PE, you can save as .stl and .vrml, but are apparently limited to only 2D iges import. (Tried 3D iges and step with no success.) Also like CoCreate, it remains simple to use for basic direct modeling.

Here’s the famous CoCreate Jigsaw in CoCreate PE and then in DME.

CoCreate Modeling Personal Edition
CoCreate Modeling Personal Edition
Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express
Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express

And here’s a view for you to enbiggen. You can download DME at PTC and use it AFTER you’ve registered for a PTC account.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.