
Steve Mould

assasssin't teapot

While I’ve written about my fair share of dangerous products, none of them are inherently made to harm people. That changes right now, as science man and YouTuber Steve Mould covered an assassin teapot too cool to pass up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJL0XoNBaac&ab_channel=SteveMould Originating in China, the assassin’s teapot was made to poison your enemies. It does this using two…

hand sanitizer invisible flame

Have you ever accidentally set your hand sanitizer on fire? No? Well, good for you. You’re probably using it right! But in any case you are wondering, yes, that cleaning liquid is actually fuel for the fire. https://youtu.be/o_S2dgGJGnI Science YouTuber Steve Mould shows that igniting hand sanitizer creates an almost invisible flame. Dim the lights…