Everyone needs a little love. Even those that get to sit around all day tinkering with light settings and camera angles. As Rob Rodriguez details in his blog post, PhotoView 360 (PV360) users may have new reasons to model a hand and give a fully rendered high five to each other. Here’s what you’ll want…
You know the comments you keep hearing? No, not the ones about how you look in tight pants. The ones about how good the product you design would look if you only had a good rendering. Once upon a time, a simple rendering seemed impossible. No more. Over the past few years, creating amazing renderings…
This is a guest article by Michael Lord. Michael is a Design Engineer at Trakka Pty Limited in Sydney, Australia where they use SolidWorks to design Campervans and Motorhomes. I first talked with Michael on Twitter and asked if he would write up his experience using PhotoView360. The iPad Rendering Challenge is finished and won…
Jaw. Dropping. I’m slapping myself over and over. Actually, this is the second time I’ve slapped myself to the point my jaw is hanging by a few strands. I saw a preview of the new Luxology Studio Lighting & Illumination Kit (“SLIK”) for modo at SolidWorks World last week and have been having dreams of…