Three different versions of a free 2D CAD program made for three different operating systems, doesn’t exactly make a program 3D, but times are lean and we’ll take what we can get. If you’ve been gnawing the meaty bone of Windows or Mac OS hankering for the fatty goodness of open source drafting, you’r 2D…
With all the software release news as of late, your 2D CAD on a Mac dreams are either a repeating nightmare or a pleasure feast of .dmg delight. First with the announcement of ARES on the Mac then with Autodesk publicly announcing they would soon release AutoCAD on the Mac… along with it’s little brother,…
Deep outta the heart of Berlin, Germany comes news for the user who enjoys the planar bliss of X and Y coordinates… and wears a shirt that say, “I do it on a Mac.” Everyone down with 2D alternatives to AutoCAD knew that Graebert was working on a version of their ARES Commander product for…
Even though it’s just 2D, this makes the whole line-by-line drawing space much more interesting. DraftSight brings a full set of 2D drawing features to users and has full .dwg and .dxf compatibility. It can be downloaded now for Windows and will be available later this year for Mac and Linux. Here’s whatcha want to…