
creators project


The Creator’s Project kicked off their ReForm series, jumping straight into 3D scanning, but 3D scanning on scale that you likely haven’t seen yet. The short inaugural documentary looks at how researchers are are advancing 3D scanning and motion capture. USC’s Institute of Creative Technology (ICT) is leading the awesome with motion capture tech that…

Repurposing existing industrial products into a static sculpture is a beast to tackle in itself, but what about creating kinetic sculptures that actually…play decent music…and have a social message behind them? Artist Pedro Reyes has done just that with his collection of eight new instruments created from repurposed firearms. Built in collaboration with several musicians…

What if you could feel your profile. Like, touch that data, man! Well, yes you can. The Creator’s Project (a partnership betweeen Intel and Vice Magazine) have been working with Shapeways to offer you a way of combining your likes, your friends and your pictures to create models that can be printed off. Do you remember Geoids? Now you…