Well, blow my everloving mind out of the water. You won’t see the PR till Tuesday, but the New York Times just scooped the whole CAD industry on the news. AutoCAD for Apple Mac is here. Not only that, the scaled down version, AutoCAD WS, is here for the iPhone and the iPad. We’ve not…
Deep outta the heart of Berlin, Germany comes news for the user who enjoys the planar bliss of X and Y coordinates… and wears a shirt that say, “I do it on a Mac.” Everyone down with 2D alternatives to AutoCAD knew that Graebert was working on a version of their ARES Commander product for…
Well now, some crazy weekend news to make the Mac users in the house choke on their brunch. Autodesk is indeed working on a AutoCAD version for the Mac. Not virtualized, not via Parallels, but native on the Mac. Screenshots have been posted. Most assuredly without the go ahead from mother Autodesk. No matter, because…