Or maybe I should say, you’ll want to buy it. If it was just a $59 dollar 3D printer… maybe. Or if it just was a giant LEGO block… maybe. But a $59 dollar, LEGO compatible 3D printer… SOLD. And that’s what the 3DFORT printer is.

3DFort 3D Printer represents a whole new kind of toy and a tool for kids, makers, artists, and 3D enthusiasts.

As the first 3D printer from Hong Kong-based Jinan Qingshan Plastic Industry Co., LTD., you would expect some deep knowledge in material and manufacturing. Still, with its price point and LEGO buzz, you may wonder if it’s legit. That’s yet to be seen. What we can tell you is, there are a lot of printers available around the $100-200 range, so something like this (even though it’s the same components in a smaller package) doesn’t seem too exceptional.

The 3DFORT 3D Printer is a tiny little thing.

The entire printer footprint is less than a square foot, measuring at 8.26″ x 8.26″ x 9.05″. The max print size is 3.54″ x 3.54″ x 3.54″. Yeah, this is for tiny prints. The resolution? From what they say, the resolution is 0.1 mm. From what they show, that looks about right.

Benchy test print on the 3DFORT 3D Printer.

The Kickstarter project has already attracted the attention of more than 1300 backers pledging over $125,000 USD in funding. Early bird pricing of $59 USD, and $69 USD is available with an estimated ship date of September 2020. With shipping to the U.S., the total comes to $89 and $99. Again, this is their first project, so we look forward to seeing what comes of it.


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.