Rumour has it that Kickstarter will be going international by the end of 2012. This is freaking awesome, as I live in the frozen reaches of Canada, and know quite a few other people stymied by the rules as well. Indiegogo is great for non-US makers and creators with a super idea and insufficient funds to ‘make it so’, but Kickstarter simply attracts and funds more projects and has a greater pool of backers. The curated approach of Kickstarter means quicker access to better projects and keeps the noise low. However, the investors seem less concerned about that, as Indiegogo just picked up $15 million in backing. Total insanity. Indiesanity! So, what do we have this week?

Infamy Miniatures

Sometimes, old stories need a reboot. And not just any reboot, a STEAMPUNK reboot! And that’s what Infamy Miniatures has done with Sherlock Homes. Yes, for your contribution, you will receive a copy of one of their resin casts. (What? NOT 3D Printed! Scandalous!) It’s but $40 bucks for a mini Dr. John Watson in his proto-techno-Victorian Superhero glory – sign me up! You have until July 2nd to bust a move and get in on the action.

Open Source Dual Extruder

No, not a 3D printer. An extruder – the very engine of the machine, the motor that drives the plastic into the heated nozzle and neatly deposits all of that filamental epicness. The Open Source Dual Extruder from is coming onto the market in a big way – it’s an option for the Replicator, the Ultimaker and more. Why not? The world is more than just one fluorescent colour. The higher-up 3D printing companies like Objet have been doing multi-material printing for a while now. Doing so, allows you to vary the density and add different materials with different strengths. Getting back to this project, within the Dual Extruder is a gripping system that ‘majorly cuts down on any slipping and stripping.’ Much. Needed.
