As 3D Printing inches off the ground in mainstream culture more and more each day, it can be difficult for a new user to navigate the wide plethora of online 3D printing options. Perhaps it’s just me, but I see 3D Printing 2.0 as, among other improvements, involving more application-specific design and printing services. Twikit is just one of those companies…if you want a custom trophy for your annual neighborhood chili cook off.
“We see ourselves as an exponent of the ‘maker’ era with a strong consumer oriented point of view. We want people to tweak and build products in the easiest way possible. Everybody can tweak and customize designs using our intuitive configurator…The online platform offers people to order their creations made with the best 3D printing technology. Our goal is to bring some making in the hands of consumers. Which will definitely lead to yet unknown applications.”
-Martijn Joris, Co-Founder
How many times have you seen a shelf filled with so many gold-painted plastic trophies with tacky bases that you can’t even distinguish a ‘state champion’ trophy from a ‘most improved competitive eater’ trophy? While these artifacts are more or less marks of an achievement for the knowledge of the competitor him or herself, why not add a bit of spice and get crazy up in there?
To get your custom chili cook-off trophy (or any other trophy), head to Twikit