I’d have to say, forgive my Industrial Design tendencies, but then this site would not be SolidSmack if I did.
I’m not an Industrial Designer officially, but I like the drawin’ and the inkin’ and the sketchin’ and that is exactly where IDSketching.com curls up nice and snug in your arsenal of super freakin’ cool design sites.
It’s the brainchild of John Muhlenkamp and Spencer Nugent whose pure goal is to share their methodology with anyone interested.
IDSketching.com has everything you want to know if you’re interested in learning more about Industrial Design (ID) or would just like to learn some new methods to explore your creative potential. They give you the Essential Tools you’ll need and show you start to finish techniques on video for getting that phenom idea on paper faster than you can show your friends how to hold a pencil.
Here’s an example of one video where Spencer goes through the process of sketching out a car.