SolidWorks Tips on TwitterWhat good is Twitter for?

It’s a powerful tool for many people as well as for businesses building brands, but it’s even more powerful where there’s a strong user base. In the CAD world, and SolidWorks in particular, the connection between users just keeps getting stronger. On twitter, you can interact with SolidWorks user, SolidWorks employees, a Former CEO and now you can even get a heavy dose of SolidWorks Tips. Check this out.

Lou Gallo, Ben Eadie and I are taking on the 140 character limit in Twitter to bring you fast-paced, useful tips everyday. Here’s an example of some of the tips you’ll see in just one topic that covers tips for the SolidWorks FeatureManager.

FeatureManager Tips

Enable arrow key navigation (Tools, Options, System Options, FeatureManager) to enable arrow key control of the rollback bar in the FM tree.
RMB on a plane to ‘Auto-Size’ it when working on very large assemblies or parts.
To view mates in common in an assembly, CTRL select components from FM, click on the PropertyManager (second tab). Common are bolded items.
Document properties access from the FeatureManager (FM). Hit ESC once and right click in FM background and select Document Properties.
Feature manager (FM) have all things expanded? Need to collapse it all? Hit esc once and then right click in the FM, choose Collapse Items.
To see component description in FeatureManager (FM) Right-Click in FM on file name. Select Tree Display, Show Component Descriptions.

Ya want more SolidWorks Tips? Follow SolidWorksTips on Twitter. And if you’re looking for all the other users and CAD people on Twitter check out the list right here. Any tips you would like to add?


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.