I know, were on a coffee kick, but after you shoot your coffee into your cup, are you just going to sit around waiting for it to cool or take action with heat transforming phase change material?
Then coffee Joulies are for you. Developed by two design engineers named Dave, the stainless steel beans cool down your coffee three times faster than normal and keep it warm for twice as long. It’s magical. Earlier this month they achieved funding via their kickstarter project raising $306,944 for production of the product in the USA.
The coffee Joulies will retail for $40 and just like the espresso gun, my bet is that you’ll be seeing these in stores and coffee shops within the year. Since pledges are closed on the Kickstarter project, you can sign up to be notified when they will be available to order at the Joulies website.
Hat tip to Dean Frey for sending this in!