You would think that having been called a “brilliant science-and-technology documentarian” whose “videos should be held up as models of how to present complex technical information visually” would go straight to one’s head, yet Bill Hammack (AKA Engineering Guy) is anything but your typical engineering dude.

The University of Illinois teacher, whose popular course, ‘The Hidden World of Engineering’, is taught every semester to a diverse mix of students, has generously shared his unique teaching style to those outside of his classroom through his Engineering Guy YouTube channel.

The channel, which is simply described as “Bill Hammack explores the world of engineering,” features videos with fascinating explanations for various engineering principles ranging from the Air Restriction Mechanism that powers NERF blasters to the story behind the design of the aluminum can.


For his latest video, Hammack takes us on an informative deep-dive into the wild and wonderful world of plastic injection molding. Starting with a short history, Hammack gives a breakdown of how to design with draft angles, how to locate injection pin marks and to keep things interesting, an overview of how LEGO bricks are manufactured using the injection molding process.

YouTube video

According to one YouTube commenter, Hammack is the “Bob Ross of Engineering.” We couldn’t agree more.

Be sure to check out the rest of Hammack’s videos by heading over to his YouTube channel.


Simon is a Brooklyn-based industrial designer and Managing Editor of EVD Media. When he finds the time to design, his focus is on helping startups develop branding and design solutions to realize their product design vision. In addition to his work at Nike and various other clients, he is the main reason anything gets done at EvD Media. He once wrestled an Alaskan alligator buzzard to the ground with his bare hands… to rescue Josh.