First, I totally GANKED (part of) that headline from the Inforbix post on the same topic. That’s how I roll. But let’s hold back the onslaught on data digging for a sec and address something. Inforbix. I understand. It’s hard to say it… without shredding your throat lining by screaming it as loud as you can. So, go ahead. Get it out of your system. Now, let’s move on. Inforbix has launched. What is it? From their site, “Inforbix is a web-based data consumption solution available for purchase on a yearly subscription basis.” In other words, search all of your CAD data, wherever it is, from wherever you are. The base package is FREE. We’ve covered how it works. Here’s how to get started using it.

Inforbix: Search made Simple

So, how do you use a web-based product to search files on your server? Inforbix has actually made it pretty simple.

  1. Sign up
  2. Install their Product data crawler
  3. Start using Inforbix

Here’s the 11 minute video that walks you through it.

YouTube video

The Search for CAD Data

Now, I’ve written about Inforbix and even used it for a while. Since then, it’s come along adding custom actions you can perform on your search and ways to organize the results of your search in tables. They also seem to have improved the filtering, advanced search function and the speed at which results are shown. Searching, in this day and age, defines our life… sadly, but people will continue to keep organizing data in odd ways. Tools that make it easier to find this data are welcome, as long as they are easy to use. Inforbix is positioning this as a “Cloud Product Data Solution.” I’m guessing this is the type of Cloud solution that will be more attractive to people – Leave my data where I want it and let me decide how and if it’s accessible. How’s that sound?

If you want to start using Inforbix to dig through that data for free, you can go here and sign up.

Disclosure: I have served as an advisor for Inforbix and tested their software.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.