Next week is SolidWorks World 2011. If my inbox is any evidence of what it’s going to be like… well, I’d say it’s shaping up to be a week of total insanity. You saw the CADFaster news and there’s more tech being shown I can’t speak of yet. SolidWorks will have some announcements no doubt and then there’s this. This 3D fiends… is awesome. T-Splines for SolidWorks is here.

Carsten Hochmuth on the T-Spline blog says:

“At the show, we will be introducing our first fully integrated product for SolidWorks® , bringing T-Splines’ groundbreaking organic modeling capabilities to the SolidWorks user community.

T-Splines Review

Interested in getting more familiar with T-Splines before the big announcement next Monday? I’ve written a review on T-Splines for Rhino with Develop3D. If you don’t get the magazine (for shame!!!), you can view the full review here – T-Splines for Rhino

Here’s an excerpt…

T-Splines bridges polygonal modeling techniques directly into Rhino and takes away the limits of using patches to define solids while at the same time allowing you to maintain curvature. However, T-Splines even has advantages over traditional polygonal modelling. Where polygonal modelling reduces surface complexity by creating more polygons, T-Splines creates T-points. This allows both curvature to be maintained and isocurve complexity to be reduced. Overall, it’s been developed to be the best of both worlds.

…the best of both worlds. Prepare for the same thing in SolidWorks. Read the rest at Develop3D. If you’re at SolidWorks World this week, you can meet the T-Splines crew and see T-Splines for SolidWorks at booth #643.

You all ready for this?

P&D Studios bumper - developed in T-Splines for Rhino. (Image: P&D Studios)
P&D Studios bumper portion of the above Porsche Panamera - developed in T-Splines for Rhino. (Image: P&D Studios)

Image Credit: Oomy courtesy T-Splines


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.