Yes sir, it’s Euromold again and the big-wig 3D Printing companies have come out in force to strut their stuff and eye the competition. Although we theorize that these are merely rubber-band guns, it’s possible that Objet made a sword (rather, a golf club). They certainly have a machine of a size that is capable of doing so. Rumor has it that 3D Systems bought a company with their pocket change to tag-team Objet (who has Stratasys as a partner). But these are just rumors. Let’s look at the hard data!


With a net build size of 100 x 80 x 50 cm (39.3×31.4×19.6 inch for you Yanks), it certainly is a big and bold statement for Objet. Although size matters, the big advantage that the Objet delivers is the number of materials – over 120 from clear to rubber. However, no Unobtainium. It’s possible to use 14 different materials in one print, which blows the mind into tatters. I don’t want to even think of the price. More details.

-Layer Thickness (Z-axis):

  • Digital Material (DM): 30-micron (0.001 inch)
  • High Quality (HQ): 16-micron (0.0006 inch)
  • High Speed (HS): 30-micron (0.001 inch)

-Max model weight on tray: 200kg
-Build Resolution: X-axis: 600 dpi / Y-axis: 600 dpi / Z-axis: 1600 dpi
-Typical Accuracy: 20-85um for features below 50mm; Up to 300um for full model size
-Machine Dimensions (W×D×H): 2800×1800×1800 mm (110.3×70.9×70.9 inch)
-Machine Weight: Net 1950kg (Net 4300 lb)

YouTube video

40,000 points for 40,000 cc of 3D Printing goodness, but minus 1,000 for the video.

3D Systems ProJet 3500 HDMax

Size doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with it. 3D Systems is betting on resolution and better user interface coupled with long-term warranties. Their Multi-Jet Modelling System allows the user to utilize a wide range of mateirals, 3D Systems Visijet Material. High-impact, temperature-resistant plastics are there. They got wax for casting and even materials for jewelry or medical uses. The new machine has a higher throughput, which is a definite bonus if you’re printing in HD and want to get your print to the client. They even included tablet-connectivity and a email-notification system. Neat ideas, 3D Systems.

-Build Volume: 298 x 185 x 203 mm (11.75 x 7.3 x 8 inches)

  • HS/HD Mode: 375 x 375 x 790 DPI (xyz); 32μ layers
  • UHD Mode: 750 x 750 x 890 DPI (xyz); 29μ layers
  • XHD Mode: 750 x 750 x 1600 DPI (xyz); 16μ layers

-Accuracy (typical): 0.001-0.002 inch (0.025-0.05 mm) per inch of part dimension

10,000 points for material flexibility (Casting is a big one for many – Objet doesn’t have that) and 10,000 for email notification.

Source: 3D Systems and Objet
