You’ve seen lots of bowls, giant eggs, and other semi-round shapes hand-shaped on a lathe, but have you ever seen the creation of a bowl within a bowl? How do you imagine you would even go about turning it?

With inspiration from German woodturner, Martin Adomat, YouTube creator SteRa Turning tried his hand (quite successfully) at making his own bowl in a bowl.

To be clear, this isn’t two separate bowls stacked on top of one another. It’s a single bowl with the top edge of each sloping opposite each other giving the illusion of a smaller bowl inside a larger bowl. The process of crafting such an oddly shaped bowl isn’t so different from making a regular-shaped bowl. He starts with a large half piece of wood taking off materials to form the outer shape.

Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl

Flipping the bowl around in the chuck, he takes off layer by layer starting from the center, forming the interior where you start to get an idea of how he will approach the design. Instead of removing all the material he leaves an inner lip to form the top of the inner bowl.

Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl

This inner lip is what serves as the “bowl in a bowl”. Using a woodturning technique called two-axis (or multi-axis) bowl turning, he angles the bowl by rotating and tightening it against a concave wood block attached to the chuck. This allows him to carve the curve of the inner bowl at a different angle than the outer bowl.

Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl
Woodturning bowl in bowl

It’s a relatively simple technique that makes for a very intriguing woodturning project and an eyecatching piece for the home. While the design is sure to impress, you’re guaranteed some entertainment watching their faces as they try to pry the bowls apart. Here’s the entire process from start to finish:

YouTube video

SteRa Tuning’s YouTube channel is still relatively new, but already has a handful of interesting and quirky woodturning projects.

Have an interesting project you’ve created or another you’ve seen online? Drop us a line and share it with us here!


Carlos wrestles gators, and by gators, we mean words. He also loves good design, good books, and good coffee.