During the crisis, many are anxious to “do something” to help, and 3D print experts are stepping up to do their part. Many groups and companies have organized COVID-19 projects to help hospitals, redirect their resources to manufacturing essential goods, and other ventures. But on an individual basis, it can be more challenging to figure…
If you’re a youngin’ whose neurons have just myelinated or an educator who’s responsible for bludgeoning their brain tissue with knowledge, there’s a 3D printer option you’ll want to add to your lab list – A RIZE 3D Printer. If you’re unfamiliar with RIZE, they came on the scene in 2017, introducing the RIZE ONE…
Recently, I toured Europe to learn about how hardware startups grew there. Where is the Euro Silicon Valley? How are startups treated there compared to in the U.S.? How does networking, funding and team-building work over yonder? One of my stops was Warsaw, Poland. Here, I’ll share what I learned touring the FabLab powered by…
Dassault Systèmes, producers of the popular SOLIDWORKS 3D modeling system, announced an educational partnership that may suggest something interesting. The company struck a deal with UMass Lowell to jointly open a “digital learning center” on campus to “let engineering students get hands-on experience in designing and creating products for the Experience Economy”. They explain further:…
SkillCoach is a new series where Vince Haley, Product Dev. Professional, and Educator, provides a virtual design critique of new product designs or processes with an aim to help you strengthen your creative and technical skills. Feel free to participate in the discussion via sharing your comments below! Connect with Vince on Linkedin here or via Instagram here. Have…
HaYoung Lee a student at Hongik University, Soul Korea had no idea how an encounter roughly two years ago with a rouge cow in the bustling streets of India would inspire and alter his life pursuit. HaYoung’s epithony? Ultimately, the birth of a dream to become a product designer and a passion for what’s known…
Why is it that the kids get cooler toys than the adults nowadays? Because they’re EDUCATIONAL. MySTEMkits.com just launched on Kickstarter today, offering you and your offspring the chance to learn a few more things about nearly everything that’s cool. Boasting dozens of kits covering topics from biology to design to applied math, mySTEMkits is another…
It’s not everyday you can bring up Youtube and learn about eliminating poop splash… well, maybe it is. You can also learn about fire tornadoes, muzzle flashes and why you didn’t die at birth thanks to the unique perspective of an Alabama Rocket Scientist. Smarter Every Day is a Youtube channel that takes a try-it-yourself…
Today, Autodesk did two things. They released a new iPad app called Tinkerbox and increased the smile coefficient you have with your child as you heap the joys of physical simulation upon them level by platform-stacking level. That is if you have an iPad. If you have an Android tablet, send Autodesk a napkin soaked…
I know, you think school desk and B-movie horrors of being eaten by one while creepy freckled children laugh scream their way back into memory… while you’re in the middle of a presentation… for a multi-million dollar contract. Not good. Fortunately, Phelan Miller has a fresh take on school desk for the learning establishments of…
As if our soon to be robot overlords are not scary enough, now there’s a Robot University for them to systematically learn how to take over the minds of small children and impressionable young college students. I exaggerate a bit. This is actually a place where the academics and the automaton-interested can gather via an…