pshapesmall_logo.jpgDELCAM has a CAD CAM product that allows you to open, view, manipulate, measure and save 39 different CAD formats. It’s called PowerSHAPE-e. The ‘SHAPE’ part is in caps cause they mean business… FREE business. They put out a press release about it today.

Just last week, I was looking for something I could use to view multiple CAD formats. eDrawings only allows you to view SolidWorks files and AutoCAD files. I needed something for Catia in particular and couldn’t find a free viewer. Some worked allright but had trial periods. Other viewers and translators have a range of features and costs. I just wanted something simple to view the files. Well, this was even better and it’s free.

To download it now go here. For more information read on.

If we look at it from a purely import and view perspective:

What it does do

  • Import models
  • Make changes
  • Get information

PowerSHAPE-e allows you to import a model from many of the most common 3D CAD Packages including SolidWorks, CATIA, PRO/E and Inventor. On top of just being able to view the file, you can make changes to, add geometry and get information from the model. You can also, model parts and assemblies, render, and make drawings. It’s actually a complete CAD package. Yeah, and free. It fairly basic and takes some getting use to. While it doesn’t have as much functionality as something like SolidWorks, it is fairly intuitive and easy to create things even though there’s a little more clicking and dialog boxes.

What it doesn’t do

  • Doesn’t import some assemblies
  • Doesn’t import drawing files
  • Can’t Export to another format for free

You can’t import SolidWorks Assemblies. That is sad. However, you can save a SolidWorks Assembly as a part and import it. I wasn’t able to import a Pro/E assembly either. From the list of formats, it looks as if its focus is on importing part files. You can only save as a PowerSHAPE file. To export it as another format it’s a per translation fee of $50-60 for each model.

How to get it

To get it you have to register in order to get a password to put in when you install it. This was the only pain, but worth it for what you get.

What to download
You’ll need to download these files:

  • PowerSHAPE-e – the main CAD program
  • PS-Exchange – the translation program
  • Help file – optional, but helpful.

PowerSHAPE-e Homepage

delcam powershape assembly

delcam powershape modeling

delcam powershape part


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.