Maybe you didn’t make it to SolidWorks World 2011. Maybe you’re still wandering the streets of San Antonio after days of drinking Riverwalk water and salsa picante. No worries for you. If you missed a few sessions due to work or inebriation a busy schedule, you have the option of catching up.

A good month after the event, SolidWorks has gathered all the presentations, sorted them and has now made them available to everyone, anywhere to download and consume. Here a few you don’t want to miss…

Albert Whatmough – SolidWorks for New Users – Hands-on
Charles Culp – Surfacing – Where Do I Start?
Charles Culp – Application of Advanced Solid and Surface Modeling Techniques
Christine Longwell – 3DVIA Composer – A Digital Manufacturing Case Study
Christohper Castle – Master Model for Everyone
Ed Eaton – Radical Workarounds for Shell, Fillet, and Draft
Mark Biasotti – Techniques for Successfully Importing Geometry into SolidWorks
Paul McCrorey – Solidworks to Modo: Take Your Renders/Animations to Another Level
Phil Sluder – What’s Old with SolidWorks 2011
Phil Sluder – SolidWorks Tips and Tricks
Rob Rodriguez – PhotoView 360 2011 – This Changes Everything
Sal Lama – Increase Productivity Using Keyboard Shortcuts – Hands-on

Which is your favorite? Grab all the SolidWorks World presentations you can manage right here.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.