If there’s one thing I like, it’s when someone takes all the software I would need to make a video of a dinosaur blowing fire-breathing snail babies out its nostril, and compiles it onto one DVD. Totally makes the job that much easier. ArtistX is exactly that tool. A complete OS kernel? no problem. 2500 free 2D, 3D, audio and video programs? NO PROBLEM. It’s all there, neatly organized into a self-launching multimedia production studio that will keep you locked to your computer screen the two minutes you’re actually away from it. Screenshots and download joys after the jump.

ArtistX Multimedia Production Studio

ArtistX 1.1 is created with the Remastersys software for live DVDs and includes the 2.6.38 Linux kernel, GNOME 2.32 and KDE 4.6, Compiz Fusion and about 2500 free multimedia software packages, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux operating system organized in the Gnome menu. It doesn’t need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives.

A partial list of software included in the DVD:  

  • 2D Graphic Software: Gimp, Inkscape, Nip2, Krita, Synfig, Rawstudio, Skencil, Hugin.
  • 3D Graphic softwares: Blender, Wings3D, K3D.
  • Video softwares: Cinelerra, Openshot, Kino, Openmovieeditor, Kdenlive, Pitivi, Avidemux, Devede, and many others.
  • Video and Music players: Mplayer, Videolan, Xine, Kaffeine, Kmplayer, LastFM and many others.
  • Music software: PD and externals, Rosegarden, Ardour, TerminatorX, Cecilia/Csound.

Just imagine all of that power. Drooling and shaking obsessively is quite alright. After you’re done, you can download the multimedia suite on the ArtistX site as an .ISO or Torrent. They also have a nice set of links for free 3D models and textures.

Thanks to Ion, who has of course turned himself into a full multimedia production studio with nothing more than some old wires, chewed plastic and a bucket of paintbrushes.


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.