Torn into a small notch, the ribs fell, knocking against other fragments, until the light and pellets of dust scattered thin. Noise drifted through the chamber, wide open now, except for the edges of feet in the shadows and the cracking of knuckles. The cracking of knuckles–it was that which finally led to the freakish color beams and over-consumption of these links.

Kait Kybar – I’d cover entire walls with each scene and run into them repeatedly. Environments and mattes that simply explode of the screen.
Art of Future UI – As I told one person, I like the grid layouts, color combos and awesome lack of brightly colored gradients.
All About That Bass – Jimmy Fallon, that guy, does ‘All About That Bass” with Meghan Trainor and the Roots.
Underground – A logo so famous, people wear it on shirts. The history of the London Underground roundel design.
Bad vibes – Why would you even stick your hand in a blender? It won’t matter, the appliances will find other ways to take out their anger.
Strange Animals – Twitter feed of the day. Consider yourself strange also if you’ve actually ever heard or seen any of these in real life.
Pinterest tab – Great Chrome extension for fullscreen photo inspiration on new tabs along with time and upcoming tasks.
Sword in Mouth, Fire Eyes – Sharks. Always the popular ones. Also good tune to have on while cooking shark.

YouTube video


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.