The chamber door sent impact shudders through the last nerves of the last inhabitants of the last inhabitable cave of the last inhabitable planet. How? Out in the darkness? The outer reaches of the outer reaches of the known beyond the known universe. One thousand years from then it would be obvious. It was they who searched us out, the last of us, drawn to us by these links.

Florian Aupetit – So many wonderful creations created with a mix of 3D and 2D. Interesting bit on his process here.

Minimal Pure – Feridun Akgüngör is a Digital Artist from Istanbul, Turkey who created these beautiful shots of nearly nothing.

Ink Mapping – The first Ink Mapping show where tattooed participants had their tats digitally brought to life.

Plastic Bags of New York – Plastic bags in different environments get a caption and new found fame before they’re gone forever.

Minerva – Experiment by Synthestruct, a constantly shifting moth-like form, and best viewed full-screen with volume turned up.

BPG – BPG is the new format that will replace GIF, and this explains exactly why that will happen, and why it might not.

How it was shot – Screenrant’s video takes you behind the scenes of some of the most famous movies to learn how the most iconic scenes were shot.

Vinyl wood – When wood takes on the properties of a vinyl record, a story of sound waves distorting the form is created by Jean-Michel Verbeeck.

Escape – Video by Chris Lavelle for the new Denature EP using an interesting mix of camera mapping and green screen.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.