The mouth of the canyon crumbled away, wider than our cable would stretch, but certainly a distance we could cross were we to make it quickly enough across the shoulders of the Sturble Chanks. Rising fast it was, with our siftpack blasters moving us faster toward the edge of these links.

Brett Northcutt – ILM concept artist has contributed to films for over 20 years. His rendition of many Star Wars scenes is insanely detailed and sure to spur memories.

Night in Japan – Instagram follow of the week. Zhifang Shi is a Shanghai-based artist who travels Asia, documenting street scenes in his sketchbook.

Into the Dark – Explore new color palettes, revamped contrast, and increased legibility as four Google products adopt Material’s dark theme.

Luftraum – Dirk Roy uses a drone to capture buildings and busy roundabouts from above to capture a perpetually spiraling collage of disorienting urban infrastructure.

David Cardelús – This architectural photographer did a gig for UNESCO World Heritage Site of Casa Vicens, and has captured the first architectural work of note by Gaudí amongst other things.

Minecraft in a Minecraft Chest – What if you were playing Minecraft and you came across a chest, and in it, you found a playable version of Minecraft.

Moto15 – Droog turned this Kawasaki’s Ninja into an apocalyptic urban fighter. Just all sorts of cool here.

You’ll Never Find Me – New “Official Visualization” from Korn that… well, it’s Korn.

YouTube video

Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.